  • 學位論文


Effect of Self-efficacy on Stress-related Fatigue: Influences of Direct Psychophysiological Reaction Pathway and Indirect Coping Behaviors Pathway

指導教授 : 洪福建


研究背景與目的:疲勞為現代社會常見的一種生理抱怨,影響個體工作效能與生活品質。目前對於造成持續性疲勞之原因尚未有所定論,所謂「壓力相關疲勞」一詞即強調壓力為引發個體疲勞之重要因素之一。然而,個體面對相同的壓力經驗所引發之壓力反應不盡相同,自我效能於其中扮演壓力評估與減緩壓力衝擊的重要角色。因此,本研究主要目的在於探討自我效能如何影響個體疲勞知覺,分為兩條路徑進行:由心理生理反應影響的直接途徑與因應行為所中介影響之間接途徑。 研究方法:於研究一之心理生理反應直接途徑,研究採用22的實驗設計(疲勞自我效能),受試者共64位女性護理人員,依其個人體力檢核表分數分為疲勞組與健康組,兩組受試者各自以隨機分派至高因應自我效能或低因應自我效能之實驗操弄。以生理回饋儀紀錄受試者之心率變異、指溫、皮膚電位反應以及末梢血流之心理生理指標,並比較不同組其各項指標於壓力反應率與恢復率之表現。研究二為間接途徑之研究,共計212位研究生,測量之量表包含個人體力檢核表、貝克憂鬱量表第二版、自我效能量表以及簡明因應量表。以多元迴歸分析因應策略於自我效能與疲勞知覺間的中介效果。 研究結果:研究一假設疲勞、自我效能對於個體壓力心理生理反應具有顯著關聯,且兩者間應具有顯著交互作用存在。結果顯示健康組受試者末梢血流恢復率顯著優於疲勞組,且本研究中發現疲勞與自我效能間具有交互作用:疲勞受試者於知覺自我效能提升時,皮膚電位反應恢復率較健康組受試者緩慢,亦慢於知覺效能維持或降低之疲勞組受試者,此部分與研究假設自我效能提升應能有效緩解個體壓力心理生理反應之假設不符,推測可能與壓力相關疲勞者其因應行為與資源投入程度具有關聯。研究二間接途徑之研究結果與假設一致:正向與負向自我效能皆能顯著影響個體疲勞程度,當研究生有較高負向自我效能時,疲勞程度相對增加;反之,當其具有較高的正向自我效能時,其所知覺的疲勞嚴重度越低。因應策略於自我效能與疲勞的中介效果則僅在逃離因應策略顯現,當個體抱持負向自我效能時,逃離因應策略的使用將會增加其疲勞嚴重度,亦降低個體的心理健康適應品質。 討論:研究支持自我效能於壓力相關疲勞扮演重要角色,且自我效能影響疲勞嚴重度之直接途徑與間接途徑均得到進一步支持;研究結果顯示自我效能對於個體疲勞間之關聯,可能與其因應資源具有顯著關聯。協助個體改善自我效能信念、評估其資源與因應策略間之平衡,將可作為介入與未來研究之建議。


Background: Fatigue is a common physical complaint in the modern world, and it affects the effectiveness of individuals’ work and their quality of life. The exact reason for sustained fatigue has not yet been determined. The term “stress-related fatigue” indicates that stress is one of the main causes of fatigue. However, different individuals have different stress responses to the same stressful experience. Self-efficacy plays a vital role in identifying stressors and reducing the impact of stress. Therefore, the present study was designed to explore how self-efficacy influences perceived fatigue. Two fundamental pathways of influence were determined: the direct psychophysiological reaction and the indirect coping behaviors. Method: The first study on the psychophysiological reaction pathway was a 2  2 experimental design (fatigueself-efficacy), in which 64 female nurses were categorized into either a fatigue or health group on the basis of their total score on the Checklist Individual Strength Questionnaire. Thereafter, a random procedure was used to manipulate self-efficacy to influence their coping self-efficacy and identify a high and low self-efficacy group. Heart rate variability, skin temperature, skin conductance level, and blood volume pulse were recorded using biofeedback (ProComp Infiniti™). The psychophysiological reactivity and recovery of each psychophysiological index are compared. A secondary study on the indirect coping behaviors pathway examined 212 university graduate students, who completed a set of questionnaires, which included the Checklist Individual Strength Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition, Self-Efficacy Inventory, and Brief COPE. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the mediation effect of coping strategies between self-efficacy and fatigue. Result: In accordance with the hypothesis of the first study, the level of perceived fatigue and self-efficacy has a significant correlation with the level of psychophysiological reaction, and there exists an interactive relationship between fatigue and self-efficacy. The results demonstrated that the health group recovered their blood volume pulse more efficiently than the fatigue group, and the two factors fatigue and self-efficacy were found to interact. When the fatigued participants’ perceived self-efficacy was raised, their recovery of skin conductance level was not as efficient as that of health participants or as that of those in the fatigue group who perceived their self-efficacy to be the same or lower. This was incompatible with the hypothesis that high self-efficacy reduces psychophysiological stress responses, that is, stress response or recovery may be influenced by coping behaviors and resource efforts. However, the consequence of the indirect pathway determined by the secondary study was in agreement with the following hypothesis: both positive and negative self-efficacy affected fatigue levels. When graduate students had higher negative self-efficacy, their fatigue level increased relatively and vice versa: with their positive self-efficacy elevation, their fatigue level decreased relatively. The mediation effect was found only when avoidance coping was the mediator of the relationship between negative self-efficacy and fatigue. Individuals with negative self-efficacy and high avoidance coping had higher levels of fatigue as well as poor mental health and poor quality of life. Discussion: The research result demonstrates that self-efficacy is a key factor with regard to fatigue. Increased support in terms of both the direct psychophysiological reaction pathway and the indirect coping behaviors pathway influence the level of fatigue; the results indicate that the relation between self-efficacy and perceived fatigue may be influenced by the level of coping resources. This may prove to be a useful suggestion for future research and interventions.


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