  • 學位論文


A study on the Offical buildings of Taiwan Walled-cities

指導教授 : 林會承


「城牆」是中國文化重要的表徵之一,也是軍事、政治、經濟、活動的中心,更是傳統防禦象徵,受到清廷治台的影響,亦以城牆作為重要建設。本論文以清代臺灣官方所設的城牆為例,以城內所興建之官方設施為題,進行分析、歸納及整理,目的是透過官制建築各項特性之探討,嘗試揭露傳統城牆都市內的空間組織與構成,藉以瞭解當時清代社會統治者如何透過統治、管理並組織這樣的社群空間,以補足台灣城牆歷史之不足。本研究課題包含有:官制建築設置、種類、形制、坐落、朝向及相互關係等,章節的內容區分為: 第一章 緒論 本研究之動機與目的、相關文獻回顧、研究內容、方法及研究範圍、對象之界定與流程架構之擬定。 第二章 清代台灣的城與城內建築 從清代地方官制組織與職官設置,來探究官方設城的種類、發展歷程及城內建築產生;並確立一座城池內必設官制建築的種類,應符合統治上、教化上、信仰上及救濟上的需求。 第三章 官制建築空間規制—以官署、教育設施為例 本章節將透過《政書》的規定與台灣各城的實際案例來分析、比對,以探究衙署、公館、倉廒、教場、軍事設施等官署建築及儒學、書院、義學、社學、考棚等教育設施的規模、形制與使用。 第四章 官制建築空間規制—以祠廟、社會救濟設施為例 延續前章節,以同樣方式探究文廟、武廟、城隍廟、文祠、天后宮、壇等祠廟建築及育嬰堂、養濟院、普濟堂、留養局等社會救濟設施的規模、形制與使用。 第五章 城內的空間組織 藉由官制建築的坐落、朝向與相互關係上的分析,來作為城牆都市空間組織建構之準則,並透過實際城池興築的案例來印證傳統城牆都市內空間組織的構成、發展與其影響因素。 第六章 結論 綜合官制建築各項特性與城牆內空間組織上的分析,得知一座城池內基本構成與發展,並提出設置前後官方考量的角度及落實後的實際狀況做為初步結論。 關鍵字:清代、城牆、官制建築、官方、官署設施、教育機構、廟宇設施、救濟設施


Walled-cities are the important representation of the Chinese culture, also are the center of the military, politics, economics and various social activities, furthermore, are the critical symptom of the traditional defense. Taiwan, been governed by the Ching dynasty, wall-cities accordingly are the important construction works. This dissertation use the example of the official walled cities in Taiwan at Ching dynasty, organize, analyse, and conclude the research subjects of official buildings within the walled-cities, to try to explore the spatial organization and the content of the traditional walled cities. to understand the ruler at that time how to go through the governing, managing and to organize the human settlement, to supply the insufficiency of walled-cities’ history of Taiwan. This research topic includes:the allocations、the kinds、the formations、the sittings、the directions and the relative relations of the official buildings etc., it is chapter as: Chapter1:Introduction The motivations and goals of this research, review of the articles, research contents、methods and ranges, topic allocations and the planning of the flow chart. Chapter2:The cities and the inner cities construction of Taiwan at Ching Dynasty From the local government officers’ system of Ching dynasty to investigate the kinds of the official cities、the developing processes、the generation of the inner city constructions; and to confirm the necessary kinds of the official buildings of the city that will match the demand of governing、education、worship and helpfulness . Chapter3:The spatial rules of the official buildings-Governor’s building and the educational facility for example Through use the rules of《CHEN SHU(政書)》,the real examples of the Taiwan cities to analyze and compare;by the investigation of official buildings of the government offices (衙署)、official residences (公館)、granary (倉廒)、examination place and military facilities (教場) , the range、the formation(軍事設施)and the application of the educational facilities of Confucianism(儒學)、classical learning place(書院)、free private school (義學)、community school(社學) and examination site(考棚). Chapter4:The space rules of the official construction-Temple and social welfare for example Continuation of the chapter3, using the same investigation methods to study the construction of the Confucian temple(文廟)、temple built in honor of General Kuan Yu and Yued Fei (武廟)、temple of the city God(城隍廟) 、Confucian shine (文祠)、Ma-Chu temple(媽祖廟)、alter(壇) etc;and the status、the formation and the applicaion of the social welfare facility of the orphanage、general welfare hall(Yuan-Ji Yuan養濟院、Pro-Ji Yuan普濟院 and Lieo-Youn Bureau留養局). Chapter5:The spatial organization of the city Analyze the sitting, the directions and the inter-relation of the official buildings , use them as the rules of the formation of the spatial organization of the cities .And through the practical examples of the building of the walled-cities to verify the formation、the development and the influence of the traditional space organization of the cities. Chapter6:Conclusion Combine the analysis of the various characteristic of the official buildings and the spatial organization of the inner walled-cities , obtain the basic formation and the development of a walled-cities ,present the official evaluation angle prior and after the construction ,and the real situation after the realization as preliminary conclusion. Key Words:Ching Dynasty(清代) ,walled-city(城牆),official buildings(官制建築) ,official(官方) ,official facility(官署設施) ,educational organization(教育機構) ,temple facility(廟宇設施) ,welfare facility(救濟設施)




