  • 學位論文


The Default of Memories – The Study of the Displacement of Time and Space in the Culture Heritage Exhibition , with the example of Qin's terra-cotta warriors.

指導教授 : 陳其澎


文化資產是祖先們所遺留下來的珍貴遺產,其本身所承載的歷史意義及文化脈落,提供給我們追本溯源的線索。透過展示的機會,將其背後所隱含之價值呈現在世人眼前,增進人們對文化資產的認知與了解。 而古物展示的詮釋手法常被質疑是對其文化歷史真實性的一種削減,經常所面對的問題,是時空異置所造成的經驗與記憶的斷層。本研究以「兵馬俑秦文化特展」為例,引用傅柯的「異質空間」及巴赫汀的「嘉年華會」觀點進行剖析,探討展示機制顯露的異質性格與現象。展示是一種「異質化」的過程,文化物種與參觀經驗在權力與意識作用之下顯得游離與不定,是加深異質現象的禍首,更使展示成為一種邊緣化的異質空間,遊走在真實與虛構的平衡點上。 古物脫離了原生脈絡關係的連續性,其本身異質、矛盾的角色,讓歷史文化的真實意涵面臨到被取代與曲解的危機,然而故事性的展示文本能重新詮釋文化脈絡,表徵文化脈絡的真實性,並且被深刻地認知。而儀式化的再現情境與常民化的慶典,雖然強化了展示本身的差異性格,卻能協助參觀者連結記憶與經驗的斷層,也同時得到解放慾望的平等權力,並自行建構參觀文本。


The Cultural Heritage are the precious property that our ancestors left for us. The historical meaning and cultural context what they contained could provide us some clues to get the origin where we come from. By means of exhibition, the value behind the Cultural Heritage could be unveiled to the world, thus, promote the perception and understanding of the Cultural Heritage. However, the interpretative ways of antique-exhibition , were suspected to cause the reduce of the authenticity of history and culture, and the trouble of the default of memories and experiences that caused from the displacement of time and space. In this research, with the examples of Qin’s terra-cotta warriors, trying to probe the different character and phenomenon that exhibition appeared, by taking the theories of “heterotopias” of M. Foucault and “carnival” of M. Bakhtin. Exhibition was presented as the process of “alienation”, the culture, antique and experiences of visit, under the persecution of power and consciousness, become dissociate and indefinite. The power and consciousness were the chief of crime that strengthened the different character and phenomenon, eventually let exhibition become a marginal heterotopias and set among the balance of reality and virtual image. The antique departed from original context, its self-contradictory character, led the authenticity of history and culture to be replaced or misinterpreted, however, the storyline could re-interpret the context of culture and represent the authenticity of cultural context, and be know deeply. Although the representational atmosphere of rite and the popular festival strengthened the different character, but could help visitors to link the default of memories and experiences and the power of liberating desire, on the same time wrote the text by himself.


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Christopher Horrocks 著 詹乃璇、周汶旻 譯
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