  • 學位論文


Surface Reflectance Ratio Measurement Methods of Interior Decoration Materials

指導教授 : 張謙允


摘要 不管是住家或商業空間之室內設計中,國人對室內空間氣氛的要求越來越重視了。其中照明設計為影響空間氣氛的重要因素之一,正因為光線在室內空間中有明顯的反射作用,照明設計中的照度、輝度等類運算能否達到準確性,倚賴科學家對於建材及家具表面材質反射率的掌握。但是,相關文獻中所提及的反射率量測方式是否合理仍有爭議。為此,本研究以實驗法探討裝修建材之反射率量測方法,以比較量測結果及相關參數。實驗方法為(一)自行建造小型、內建固定光源及照度計之攜帶型反射率測試實驗箱,對不同裝修建材做反射率反覆實驗測試,(二)以光譜色度計中的輝度量測功能,用多種方向、角度等變化,量測固定位置、不同建材樣本之反射率,(三)以分光儀之色彩測定系統,利用不同建材樣本測色所得之反射光譜能量,計算不同建材樣本之反射率。最後,本研究比較此三種方法所得的數據,與國內外資料做歸納調整,增加實驗數據之準確性,以便提出掌握建材反射率的正確量測方法。 實驗結果發現,以分光儀做為反射率量測機制有最高的可信度及準確性。要獲得正確的裝修建材反射率,量測之儀器必須具備有以下條件:一、內建光源。二、量測之儀器必須有效的接收全部反射的光線。三、量測之儀器必須具備有積分球。四、量測實驗時不可受到外在光源所干擾。五、縮短量測的時間(避免產生熱效應)。六、測量之裝置必須配備有反射基準(參考之標準白板)且反射率為已知。七、必須具備有分析光譜的能力。八、具有運算能力。


Abstract Nowadays, it is a common place that no matter if one is in a house or a room of commercial spaces, one’s demand for exquisite lighting ambiance is sophisticatedly escalated. In professional terms, such a demand is achievable, at least, but not the least, through meticulous measurement mechanisms of that pertinent to the reflection attributes of light beams, as well as illumination and luminance parameters of interior decoration materials. However, this is only hypothetical and ironically controversial to the theories of relevant literature. To come to a firm grasp of these attributes and parameters, and at the same time, to conceive its portablility, this stury conducted a series of comparative experiments to scrutinize those reflectance measurement mechanisms postulated by theoretitians and that established by this research. Several measurement mechanisms are established first, to testify esisting theories. With portability and variation of observation conditions in mind, reflectance measurement constituent parts are all built-in small wooden boxes, including light meter, incandescent light source. Reliability of measurement is tested using a combination surface textures of decoration materials. The same test procedures are repeated in the second stage of the experiment, via sophisticated lab apparatuses, includeing photo-colorimeter and spectra-colorimeter, and others are employed. After painstakingly test of measurement data, it is found finally, that spectra-colorimeter reveals the most reliable and plausible result. This gave rise to the following findings: i. the portable reflectance measurement apparatus require a built-in light source to emit a small yet sufficient amount of light beams on test materials. ii. aside from the light beams reaching the surface of test mateials, the remainder of light beams ought to be absorbed in the apparatus to avoide additional reflectance light interference. iii. a built-in intergration-sphere is essential for the complete collection of light beams reflected from the surface of test materials. iv. external light soureces ought to be excluded to carry out an acceptable measurement condition. v. it is recommended that the measurement be completed within a matter of seconds or less. vi. a “reflectance standard” of known reflectance ratio is a standard annex to the measurement apparatus. vii. to decipher measurement data, the apparatus user need to be knowledgeable of spectral distribution analysis steps. viii. the analysis involves calculus calculation techniques.


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