  • 學位論文


The Design Patterns for Psgchological Advicing Space Based on the Example of the Spatial Design of the Counseling Center of the Chinese New Age Society

指導教授 : 胡寶林


現代化的都市生活步調快速,充滿了緊張及壓力與日遽增,對於心靈慰藉的尋求也日漸增多,很多人在心理、生理或精神上都存在著許多的問題和困擾,而國內專業的心理諮詢中心,多半附屬在各大醫院或門診中心;各地方成立的心理諮詢中心多半是社區性質或與學校輔導室結合。國內少有專門的心理諮詢中心設計。中華新時代協會為讓心理諮詢師與被諮詢者能擁有良好的空間感受,進而對環境產生認同感。因此該協會委託研究生按這樣的需求去做規劃設計。 本論文研究個案以「新時代」性靈團體的諮商與心理治療和藝術治療與空間為結構,做為本論文主要分析架構,以環境心理學及遊戲治療、音樂治療為輔;來調查國外心理諮詢中心發展的歷史沿革及現今發展的概況,進而探討國內心理諮詢中心發展概況、演進和空間規劃相互的關係及影響,去做分析、比對,並以個案分析、詳細探討,進而整理出本案設計概念的方向。 本設計以模式語言來探討心理諮商與空間的關係,將本案空間分為公共空間、諮詢診療空間、辦公空間等三大機能區塊。在設計的方法上,將依空間的特性及類型作探討及整體的空間配置,以符合各個特殊的機能空間,將業主的理念轉化為設計概念,並將模式語言運用於空間設計規劃中,期待能因為本論文的研究能提供國內其他心理諮商空間在設計規劃上之建議。設計之成果將是一個複合式的諮詢空間:愛、神、治療、光、自然、參與、學習與社區民眾的共同互動。透過行動與社區總體營造的方式結合藝術團體,專題演講與諮詢空間的結合,營造一個豐富心靈、感性與知性的空間場所。


The pace of modern urban life is fast and stressful and people seeking for psychological support is also increasing day by day. Many people have been experiencing and/or suffering from numerous psychological, physiological, or mental problems for years. However, most of the professional counseling centers in Taiwan are affiliated to hospitals or out-patient centers and the district counseling centers are mostly community services-oriented or work together with the school counseling offices. As a result, it is hardly to find independent specialized counseling centers in Taiwan. Hence, to provide a good counseling environment for clinical clients and further develop their identification with such an environment, The Chinese New Age Society Taipei authorizes me to design the project as a graduate work in accordance with the needs described above. To achieve these objectives which is based on the concept of New Age Society , this study takes consulting and psychotherapy, art therapy, and space as the main research framework, supplemented by the ideas of environmental psychology, play therapy, and music therapy to evaluate the history and the current development status of counseling centers in foreign countries and probe into the development status, progress and the interrelationship between evolution and spatial planning of the counseling centers in Taiwan. Through those analyses, comparisons, and in-depth investigations on the basis of the case studies, we can figure out the designing direction for this project. In addition, this study also discusses the relationship between counseling and space from the perspective of pattern language, and then classifies the notion of space into three functional spaces: public space, therapeutic space, and office space. As for the way of design, it evaluates an environment in accordance with its spatial characteristics of detail as well as provides an overall spatial plan. Afterwards, a detailed spatial design is established according to different spatial needs, so as to meet the requirements for functional spaces. Finally, this spatial design is based on the spirit of the Chinese New Age Society, in combination with the pattern design concepts. The achievement of this design result should create a counseling space of complexity which may stimulate interaction between persons and community in the aura of love, spirit, therapy, light, nature and learning.


Art Therapy New Age Therapy Pattern Language


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