  • 學位論文


Polar Bear Nanu Moving to its New Home -The Creation of Electronic Children’s Books

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


資訊科技發達及網路技術的成熟,多媒體充斥在我們生活周遭,並且改變了人類的生活方式,透過網路跨地域及跨平台的特色,人們獲得資訊的方式隨著科技日新月異有了重大變化,加上各種智慧型手機及行動裝置的蓬勃發展,可攜式閱讀工具提供閱讀者能夠隨時隨地取得高效率的資訊服務,也漸成為新的閱讀型態。兒童讀物的形式也逐漸由平面書籍轉換為互動式多媒體的電子童書,現代兒童生長在數位科技的時代中,電腦及網路的使用早已成為生活的一部分,資訊教育和資訊產品帶給兒童閱讀有更多元的選擇。本創作依據兒童認知發展及兒童文學特性,蒐集統整電子童書介面設計與多媒體構成元素之相關文獻資料,做為執行創作的參考原則,為兒童閱聽學習而設計具有故事性、本土性、文學性的互動式多媒體電子童書,給予兒童嶄新的視聽覺體驗。 創作內容由故事主角小北極熊拿努的家消失了,所以要搬新家,一趟探險搬新家的旅程,拿努到了世界上各式各樣熊的家,兒童可從外表、服裝及背景設計去判斷誰是北極熊、台灣黑熊、中國貓熊、南美眼鏡熊、馬來熊、北美棕熊、美洲黑熊、印度懶熊…進而引導兒童認識世界上的熊,並且隨著讀者和故事互動,逐漸揭開全球暖化、棲地縮減、人類獵捕、動物生存受到威脅等真實生態環境故事,並用這些共同的主題,讓內容得以連貫,而小北極熊拿努會搬到哪裡呢?最後留下一個問號由讀者自己去想像。 現今台灣環保意識抬頭,生態教育逐漸受到重視,故事中亦帶入台灣最具代表性的野生動物台灣黑熊圖像,讓大家也能關注到本土保育動物的處境。希望藉由此套電子童書,激發省思與討論的空間,由認知進而關切環境保育,培養兒童全球性生態知識與環保觀念。


Development of information technology and network technology is mature, multimedia filled in our daily life and also changed the human way of life, therefore through cross-boundary and cross-platform networking features to cause people get more information where have been major changes with the advancement of technology. The rapid development of a variety of smart phones, mobile devices and portable reader can obtain efficient information services in anytime, anywhere. So gradually become a new type of reading. Due to this, the form of children’s books has gradually converted into electronic book by general book. Hence, modern children growth in the era of digital technology, use of computer and Internet has become part of life, information education and information products bring children's reading choices with more diverse. The thesis and creation rules are based on the children’s cognitive development, characteristics of children’s literature, integrate relevant literature of electronic book interface design and multimedia elements constitute which let children learning this with stories, local, literature of interactive multimedia, to give children a new visual and auditory experience. The story is about the home of polar bear has gone, so began new journey for explore new house that Nanu will moved to new home of a variety of bears. The children can from the characteristic, clothing and background design to determine whom is the polar bear, Formosan black bear, Giant Panda, spectacled bear, Sun Bear, Brown Bear, American black bear, Sloth Bear.Further guide children to understand bears of the world and by the interaction between readers and the story, gradually opened global warming, habitat reduction, human hunting, survival of threatened animals, other real threat to the life story of the ecological environment and use of these common themes let content can be coherent. Finally, where is polar bear Nanu will move to? Reserve a question mark for reader to imagine. Environmental consciousness in Taiwan today, ecological education becomes more important, The story also introduces the most representative of the wild animals in Taiwan - Formosan black bear image, so that we can also pay attention to the plight of local conservation animal. Hope that through this set of electronic children's books, excitation reflection and discussion, further concerned by the environmental protection awareness, training children develop knowledge of global ecological and environmental concepts.




鄧安純(2014)。幻覺性空間錯視運用於圖畫書 -《相遇》繪本創作〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400501
