  • 學位論文


Teaching Material Project of Junior High School by Apply Interactive Multi Media - A Case of The Ming Dynasty and The Manchu Dynasty’s develops

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


歷史,在現今社會所伴演的角色,有著傳遞文化遺產及歷史紀錄的功能性,更涵蓋著人類在政治、科技、人文思想、藝術....等演進的重要過程,正適合中學階段必備知識之一。而國民中學歷史教材發展概念,在於提供學生應有的國家民族意識與基本的歷史相關知識,透過學理基礎讓學生了解到文化歷史的脈胳,以應用至生活層面,提升文化素養。正因歷史學科有著相當深厚的內容,在授課於學生時,必須將課本所傳達的知識與大腦有效連結,並達到最佳學習效果。 因此,本創作者希望能透過互動式多媒體的概念媒材,試圖尋找新型態的教學模式,以增進學生的學習歷史時的成效。本創作以國中歷史教材為方向,透過文獻探討、案例分析、使用者訪談從中了解國內歷史教材形式及學習情形,以解決現有歷史教材當中現存的盲點,試圖改善教學方式,及考量數位教材最佳呈現模式。創作設計上,選定「明代與盛清的發展」單元為題,在過程中需考慮到學生對於歷史知識的前後連貫性,並考量學生如何對歷史課程產生興趣,以達到學習效益,最終透過與互動式多媒體科技的呈現以全新的姿態發展開來。


History that has played the role in nowadays society, has a kind of passing on the cultural heritage and historical records’ functionality. And it also covering that human at politics, technology, humanities thought, art…it is the evolution’s important process. It can be one of the essential conditions for secondary school stage. Secondary schools teaching materials development concept, is to provide students should have national consciousness and basic history knowledge, though basic theory to let students understand the cultural history’s details, let it apply in daily life and rising up the cultural intension. Because of history course has quite deep contents, when teaching students we have to let textbook’s contents make an effective connect with brain, and reach the best learning effect. Therefore, the creator hope can through Interactive multimedia idea material, try to find a new teaching patterns to increase the effect when students learning history. This create used secondary school’s teaching materials as a direction, through documents discuss, case analyzing, and an interview with the user to understand the history teaching materials and learning situation to solve the blind spot in the teaching materials nowadays. Try to improve learning mode, consider digital leaching material’s best display. On creation design, choosing ‘The Ming Dynasty and The Manchu Dynasty’s develops’ as a topic, needs to be consider about the students knows how to link up the history knowledge from the beginning to the end. Also needs to consider how to make the students get interesting with history course and reach the learning benefit, in the end through Interactive multimedia idea material technology’s display to make a brand new development.


