  • 學位論文


Diffusion of Innovation for Social Network Service: a Case Study on Facebook

指導教授 : 劉士豪


在資訊科技與網際網路日新月異的時代,許多創新的概念、產品能夠異軍突起,但有些卻無法流行,這都與創新擴散理論有高度的相關。因此,有許多社會學者主張,創新的擴散代表某種程度的社會改變,從新事物的產生、傳遞、被社會大多數人給接受,最後成為社會的一部分,這都是生活中很常見的例子。更多新事物或產品的擴散成功關鍵取決於網路外部性(Network externality)的使用人數連結價值,而從部落格(blog)文化到現在的社群網站(Social Network Service, SNS)帶起社交活動虛擬化的風潮就是一個很好的例子,如全球最大社群網站Facebook。 近年來Facebook使用者人數急遽增加,短短幾年間會員人數已達8.4億人,各項資料都顯示Facebook已成了世界上最熱門的社群網站平台。這些商業模式的競爭法則是當擁有越來越多的使用人數後,則更易於在人際網絡中發揮網路外部性,進而再度擴大使用者規模。故本研究將探討社群網站Facebook的創新擴散,並利用理論中以創新性為基礎的接受者理想模式,分析社群網站使用者的創新性,研究結果證實Facebook為一個社群網站創新擴散的成功案例。


In the era of constant change, improvement of new technology and network, many new and creative concepts and products are able to emerge in the market. However, some of them don’t get a change to become the main stream. This definitely has something to do with the levels of innovative distribution theory. Therefore, many social scholars advocate that the innovative distribution indicates some levels of social change and movement. Every new item has to go through different stages (new product becoming available - delivery - being accepted by the audience - getting accepted by the society). This is a commonly seen process in everyday life. Network Externality plays a key role in the fate of new products. From blog culture to social network service, they have brought a trend to virtualize social activities. One best example would be the largest and well-known social network, Facebook. Recently, there has been a rapid increase in the number of Facebook users. The members of this social network have reached 840 million people. All sources have indicated that Facebook is the most successful social network platform in the world. When the number of users increases, the competition among business models rises and more features of innovative externality are more easily played out and revealed. Based on the theory, innovation is the key element for the general audience. The analysis is based on the users of this social network. The result of the research proves that Facebook is a valid and successful case study for Innovative Distribution.


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