  • 學位論文


The Transformation of Consumer Space-Development and Research of Taoyuan County District as Study

指導教授 : 陳其澎


摘要   桃園縣目前為台灣第六大都,工商發達,存在著許多商圈。隨著時代的進步,消費者對購物品質的要求提升,不只是對產品,進而衍伸到整個購物場域。自90年代開始,觀光興盛,各地廣設徒步商圈,政府介入輔導,使各地的商圈不論在規劃、管理上都在轉變。桃園縣也在此時更新了多個徒步商圈,因了解時代趨勢,以創意經濟為基礎為更新目標,以創新的景觀及創意的行銷手法作為搭配,活化原本商圈。   有鑑於在桃園縣的徒步商圈相關研究甚少,主要研究也都侷限於觀光地區的商店街如大溪老街、角板山形象商圈,都會型的徒步商圈較少被討論,有相關的研究也是就景觀規劃上,較少以創意經濟為觀點探討消費空間轉變與經營成敗做論述。因此本研究主要以桃園縣內大湳形象商圈(桃園縣八德市)、中平路形象商圈(桃園縣中壢市)、中原商圈(桃園縣中壢市)、新民老街商圈(桃園縣桃園市)等都會型的徒步商圈為主,透過與相關人士進行深度訪談及參與觀察法,研究其發展歷程及所面對的問題,並以創意發展為基礎提出未來走向建議。


Abstract    Taoyuan County is Taiwan's sixth biggest metropolitan; it is well structured in industrial and commercial development with many shopping districts. As development progresses, the surge on consumers shopping quality raises not only on products, but it extend onto the entire shopping environment. Since 1990s with the flourish in tourism, each shopping district began to set treks, and with government intervention counseling each district saw a change in planning and management. During this time Taoyuan County also updated more than one trekking shopping districts. On this notion, the trend of times enforces a fundamental target to set up creative economy that correspond with innovating landscape and creative marketing approaches to activate the original shopping districts.   Most major research in Taoyuan County is limited onto the shopping districts in tourist areas such as; Dasi Old Street, Jeau-Baan-Shan impression trading-area, there is relative small amounts of research done in Taoyuan County district as a metropolitan trekking shopping district. Even so most research focus on landscape planning and less on creative economy perspective of consumer spacing that explores in the operation of its success or failure. Hence this research focus on the metropolitan trekking shopping districts, such as: Danan impression trading-area, Bade City Taoyuan County, Zhongping trading-area, Zhongli City Taoyuan County, Chung Yuan trading-area, Taoyuan City Taoyuan County. Through interviews and participant observations this research can examine the history of its development and the problems faced by stakeholders, as a result propose future direction of recommendations in creative development.


