  • 學位論文


An Integrated model of CR-RBAC and I-RBAC Application on Workflow System

指導教授 : 留忠賢


摘要 在一個情境權限控管系統中,如果使用者無法滿足情境限制的條件,就無法啟用情境角色對物件執行動作。可是在一個工作流程的工作之間有相依關係時,如果因為環境限制的關係造成權限不足,無法完成工作,則會影響到後續的流程進度。 本研究將整合情境角色與隔離角色的權限控管模型運用在工作流程中。當使用者執行工作流程時,如果無法滿足情境限制去啟用情境角色時,則可以可透過隔離角色去取得權限暫時完成這項工作,使流程可繼續進行。然而完成的工作仍然需要啟用情境角色再做確認的動作。如果無法在期限內完成確認,則必須將原本執行工作之後續內容做回朔( Rollback )。 我們以一個公文流程為例來說明並實作此模型。此流程設定公文“核稿”這項工作必須在公司內執行,如果有緊急公文需要處理,有權限核稿的主管又不在公司,這時主管就可以使用隔離角色暫時完成此公文的“核稿”,當情境條件符合時,則啟動回情境角色完成確認,公文就可以順利發文並作歸檔的動作,反之如果無法符合條件,啟動情境角色,則必須作資料回朔的動作。 關鍵字:權限控管、RBAC、CR-RBAC、I-RBAC、工作流程、Rollback


工作流程 權限控管


Abstract In a role-based access control system with context roles (CR-RBAC), if context constraints are not satisfied, then a context role could not be activated by a user to execute operation on objects. But there are task dependencies among tasks in a workflow, if one task could not complete in time, then other tasks would be delayed. In this thesis, an approach to integrate CR-RBAC and I-RBAC, with applications to workflow systems, will be presented. In a workflow, when a user could not activate a context role to perform a task, an isolation role could be assigned to the user to execute the task temporarily, to continue execution of the workflow. However, the task still needs to be confirmed by using the context role. If the task could not be confirmed during a timeout period, the workflow must be rollbacked to an earlier state. An example document workflow was used to illustrate this model. It is assumed that the approval of documents must be performed inside the company. If there is an emergent document needs to be approved and the manager who has the permission to approve the document is not in the company, an isolation role could be assigned to the manager to approve the document temporarily. The approval must be confirmed when the context constraints are satisfied and the context role could be activated. Otherwise, the workflow has to be rollbacked. Keywords:Access Control、RBAC、CR-RBAC、I-RBAC、Workflow、Rollback


Rollback I-RBAC Workflow Access Control RBAC CR-RBAC


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