  • 學位論文


Influence of the Congestion Effect on Operational Efficiency of Higher Education in Taiwan and Japan

指導教授 : 郭怡君


摘要   擁擠現象,在經濟領域依據Brockett et al. (1998)之定義,是指減少一個或多個投入,能使一個或多個產出增加,卻沒有使其他的投入或產出變差。擁擠現象是一種較為嚴重之技術無效率,主要導因於投入要素之不當配置,因此當移除擁擠之投入要素時,一項或多項產出將可因而增加,而且不會使得其他的投入或產出要素變差(高強et al.,2003)。 由於政府在資源的分配與運用上有限,日本把教育體系改變成市場化,資源的發放與配置不再是無條件的,而是需要視各個大學的經營效率來配置,並且增設科學研究經費給與各校競爭,而台灣則有邁向頂尖大學計畫和獎勵大學教學卓越計畫對績效優良的學校給予補助;為能有效分配教育資源,大學院校之經營效率評估不失為評鑑大學機構經營表現的重要參考標準。近年來應用資料包絡分析法衡量非營利組織之經營績效,所累積的研究成果相當豐富,雖然已有許多文獻就大學院校經營效率作不同向度的分析與探討,但就其對受評的學校造成無效率的原因最多只討論技術與規模無效率,對於因投入因素的不當配置所造成產出下降之擁擠無效率幾無所談,而Khodabakhshi (2009)的實證研究卻發現當學校享終身職教授的人力投入過多,將造成產出不增反減的擁擠現象。 因此,本研究想探討台灣與日本大學院校在財源籌措、經費使用、教職員與學生人數、研究發表及受補助之國科會計畫數量等投入與產出資源的配置是否因不當的資源配置,導致過度投入而存在所謂的擁擠現象,以及擁擠現象的主要來源是哪些因素。 透過不同模式之效率值可以發現台灣與日本都存在擁擠問題,且台灣國立大學擁擠問題較私立嚴重,日本則反之。


Abstract In economic field, the definition of congestion refers to reduce one or more input can increase one or more output without decease other input or output. Congestion is a very severe technical inefficiency phenomenon. If the input factors of congestion are removed, one or more output would increase without affecting other inputs or outputs. Due to the limited allocation of government resources, the Japanese education turned into a market-oriented system. The allocation of resources is no longer unconditional, but depending on the operating efficiency. In Taiwan, the Aim for the Top University Project and the Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence of Universities are used to subsidize the excellent performance of the universities. In order for the effective allocation of educational resources, efficiency assessment was regarded as an important reference for evaluating university operating performance. There are many researches applying data envelopment analysis (DEA) to measure the operating performance of the non-profit organization. Although there are a lot of literature demonstrated the measurement of universities efficiency, most of them focus on the discussion of technology and scale inefficiency. Khodabakhshi’s empirical study (2009) found that some commercial school existing congested inefficiency. This study wants to examine the influence of congestion effect on the performances of Taiwan’s and Japan’s universities, which are both on the similar higher education environment. By cross-country comparison, we hope to identify the inefficiency sources and reasons to explore the difference resulted from two countries’ educational policies. According to the empirical analysis, we can find both of Taiwan and Japan has congestion through the value of different models and the phenomenon of congestion on public university is more serious than private university but Japan is contrary.


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