  • 學位論文


The research of functional assessment for the mobile application – A case of patent software

指導教授 : 劉士豪


隨著智慧型行動裝置的日益普及,人們已漸漸習慣透過行動裝置取得各種資訊和處理各種日常生活事務,傳統資訊系統在行動裝置普及前,以當時的資訊技術為主要平台給使用者操作,在行動裝置普及和行動App的應用被廣泛使用後,如何將舊有資訊系統與行動裝置結合應用已成為軟體開發商的課題,由於使用者對於行動App與舊有系統的結合應用較無使用經驗,所以使用者無法明確定義結合舊有系統的行動 App 的需求,故本研究主要目的為協助傳統資訊廠商,找到傳統模式運作系統在行動 App 上應用的機會,本研究採用雛型法,在進行需求分析後建立雛型系統,再收集並分析使用者經驗後,推導使用者需求。


With the growing popularity of smart mobile devices, people have been getting used to having a variety of information through mobile devices to deal with the daily affairs of life. Before mobile devices became common, traditional information systems used the information technology of the time as the main platform for users to operate by. With mobile devices and mobile apps becoming widely used, combining information systems with mobile devices has become the main issue for software developers. Users cannot clearly identify the need to combine apps with old systems because they have no experience doing it. The purpose of this study is to assist traditional information companies in finding a way to apply traditional modes of using system applications to mobile apps. This study has adopted a prototype system after conducting a needs analysis of collecting and analyzing users' experiences to derive the users' needs.


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