  • 學位論文


The Impact of Five Senses Stimulated Marketing toward Consumer Behavior-the Analysis of Groceries Store

指導教授 : 林瓊菱


在美學經濟與體驗消費的雙重簇擁下,一股瘋迷雜貨的狂潮已從日本漫延至台灣,並構成一種特殊的消費現象及文化,「為人帶來幸福感」的產業趨勢已然成形。但有關這方面的學術研究,在台灣卻如鳳毛麟角。因此,本研究為反應潮流,深入瞭解時下盛行之生活雜貨業態,特以創業者的角度進行研究分析,希望藉由商店氣氛中五感刺激的行銷方式,對消費者行為影響之探討能提供有效之見解,作為該類型供應商制訂經營策略及提升營運績效之參考。 人類常在無意識中察覺到五感,為掌握這種看不見的感覺精華,故有別於一般問卷統計法,本研究採取多元化之研究方法,先使用圖像式「前測問卷」,定義並調查出時下消費者對生活雜貨之消費習性等,以利釐清研究重點,並篩選出接近核心之訪談題項,再輔以「深入訪談」及「實質觀察」的方式,為求發現普通問卷無法察知的潛意識。 經實證分析結果,本研究發現五感的刺激對消費者購買行為、再購意願與推薦意願均有達到顯著正相關水準。其中: 1.視覺是最先捕捉目光的焦點,但並非決定購買的關鍵。商品本身的獨特性及設計感才是王道。 2.嗅覺上大致偏向喜好清新的味道。 3.聽覺是以輕柔的旋律為主。 4.味覺則是喜歡沒有濃郁食物味的下午茶等輕食。 5.觸覺是以宜人的溫度及溫潤的觸感為主。 再者,生活雜貨店的定價策略普遍偏高,但品質則趨向兩極,分布地點集中在都會區的巷弄內,主要消費族群為年輕且經濟獨立的女性為大宗。且從事與美感相關的職業會讓人產生更大的自信及更明確的意見,他們甚至覺得把錢花在美感上,成了持續待在這行的必要成本。 本研究對於生活雜貨業的創業實務建議: 1.商品應具備個性化及美觀實用的原則。 2.目標客群可定位在20~40歲經濟獨立的單身女性。 3.立地選址應以交通便利的商業區、住宅區、辦公區等商圈為主。 4.商家格局應維持在小店約20~40坪左右為佳,裝潢重點最好是有家的感覺。 5.採開放式的經營模式,讓消費者可以盡情地享受體驗及觸摸的樂趣。 6.以大眾可以接受的中價位為主,務求能提供消費者物超所值的商品。 7.建立CIS的企業識別,創造一致性的商店形象,也可請旅遊節目介紹、或當紅部落客以網路推薦的方式加以宣傳。 8.建立客戶名單、了解消費者生活習性並增進顧客關係管理,如:經常寄送新品型錄等。 9.舉辦各式活動,以增進消費者歸屬感,如:簡易的手作體驗課程等。 10.增設貼心設施或服務,如:專業的居家佈置咨詢等。 11.朝個性化及多元性的方向發展,定期更新商店氣氛,讓消費者常保新鮮感。


Influenced in the aesthetic economy and the experience consumption dually, a crazy frenzy of groceries spread from Japan to Taiwan, composing a special phenomenon of consumerism and culture, the industry of "bringing happiness for people" has already taken shape. However, the academic research about it is rare in Taiwan. Therefore, this study is for reacting this kind of trend to deeply understand nowadays popularity of the grocery industry. This study research and analysis, especially in the perspective of entrepreneurs, and let customers immerse in the atmosphere of the store in order to stimulate their five senses which can provide the effective insights from customers’ behavior. Thus, it will become the reference for the supplier to lay down the business strategies. People often unconsciously perceive the five senses, to grasp the essence of this invisible feeling, so it is different from general questionnaire statistics, this study takes the variety of research method, first using the image type "pre-test questionnaire", to define and investigate nowadays consumers’ consumption habits of groceries, in order to clarify the research focuses, and filter out close to the core of questions from the interviews, supplemented by "in-depth interviews" and "real observations" to find out what unconsciousness the general questionnaire cannot perceive. This study found that stimulation of the five senses on consumer purchase behavior, repurchase intention and recommend intention has reached a significant﹐positive correlation level. Among the research: 1. The vision is the first focus to catch customers’ eyes, but is not the key to the customers’ decision that whether they will buy it or not. The uniqueness and design of the product is the preferred option. 2. The smell generally tends to be fresh and clean. 3. The hearing is given priority to soft melodies. 4. The taste likes afternoon tea and light meals which don’t have strong food flavor. 5. The touch is given priority to pleasant temperatures and kindly touch. Hence, these grocery stores’ price strategies are generally high, but the qualities are polarized, their locations are concentrated in the alleys of metropolitan areas, usually the main customers are young and autarkical females. And people who engage in the beauty–related occupations would have a chance to have confidence and more definite opinions; they even feel spending money on aesthetic is necessary cost, especially in the purse of staying in this certain industry. This study provided practical advices for starting a grocery store: 1. Goods should have personalized with a principle in beauty practibility. 2. Focus on the customers who are at 20-to 40-year-old single females. 3. The location would be better for the convenient transportation downtown, residential area, and the office. 4. Business structure would be better maintained about 20 to 40 level ground, the decoration is the best to feel at home. 5. Adopt an open business model, so that consumers can enjoy the experience and fun of touching. 6. Lay down the mid–price that is acceptive for the public in order to provide consumers with a bargain at any price. 7. Establish Corporate Identity System to create a consistent store image, or can ask those travel programs to introduce or some popular bloggers recommended to publicize on the Internet. 8. Build a customer list and understand consumers’ habits and improve the relationship management between the customer. For instance, often send new catalog to them. 9. Hold various activities in the purpose of increasing consumers’ loyalty. Ex: a simple hand-made experience course. 10. Add thoughtful amenities or services, ex: the professional home layout consultation. 11. Develop in the direction of personalization and diversity, and updated store’s atmosphere regularly, so that consumers often preserve their freshness.


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