  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Integrating Cognitive Apprenticeship into Information Technology in Sixth-Grade Science Class

指導教授 : 張世忠


摘 要 本研究目的旨在探討認知學徒制在資訊科技融入國小六年級自然與生活科技領域之 行動研究實施現況。研究者在國小六年級教室情境中,應用認知學制與資訊融科技入教 學於自然科教學中,來探索與瞭解實施情況與學生的學習成效,以及教師面臨的困境與 解決方法,並紀錄行動歷程以提供教師們參考。 本研究採行動研究法,於九十六學年度第二學期實施(自九十七年二月至四月),針 對任教班級的三十二名六年級學生,實施為期九週數學課程;資料來源包括「教師觀察 紀錄表」、「學生學習心得札記」、「晤談」與「教師教學省思札記」等;本研究以質性探 討為主,資料分析採Patton(1990)建議的步驟,將彙整原始資料加以組織、分類與編輯 成為資料檔,其後依研究問題與發現的類型進行歸納為重要目錄,從中進行深入分析。 研究結果發現: 一、實施過程的方面:以資訊融入教學對學生的學習興趣與學習動機有正面影響。 在實驗分組報告中,部分師徒角色混淆與衝突,重新修正師徒關係後,更能良 性互動。因數位落差導致持續學習的階段難以落實,開放班級電腦及圖書室電 腦後,得到正面效果。 二、學習成效的方面:在態度方面,有正面的影響。在成就方面,師徒雙方均有所 提升。 三、教學上的困境方面:教材分量過多,授課時數不足;不易引導學生進行討論; 認知師師傅不易主動教導認知徒弟;部分低成就學生仍無法融入此教學模式。 四、教學上仍待努力克服的困境並教師成長歷程方面:困境上主要有硬體支援不足 與軟體取得不易;成長歷程方面有充份的教學計畫與準備、拓展視野、教師諍 友的必要性、成效來自察覺學生反應、改變使學生更認真學習與數位學習機會 的均等。 最後依據研究結果,提出認知學徒制在國小六年級資訊科技融入自然與生活科技領 域教學之建議,以供教學應用、學校行政與後續研究者參考。


Abstract The aim of this study is to explore the action research of integrating cognitive apprenticeship into information technology in six-grade’s science class. The researcher uses cognitive apprenticeship and information technology into science curriculum to explore and understand the changes of students’ learning process, achievements and the strarts of the teachers, and provide the documentary record of the entire project for teachers’ reference. The method of this study is based on action research. The subjects of research are 32 students in the sixth-grade in the class of the researcher, and the research is carried out for 9 weeks from February to April of the second semester in school year of 2008.The data of the research comes from the observations and note-taking of teacher and students, the record of the interviews, the reflective journals of the teachers, etc. As a qualitative research, the study adopts Patton’s (1990) suggestion to analysis all collected raw data by organizing, categorizing, and compiling. The goal is to form its own research outline according to the results of the data analysis through the survey. The results of this research are: 1. Implementation process: It is positive influence to student's study interest and the academic motivation by using information technology in teaching. The report in the experiment groups in the report, the partial priests and disciples role confusion and the conflict, after revise the priests and disciples relate, the interaction become better and better. The factor position dropping variance causes the stage which studies continually to carry out with difficulty, after using computer in the classroom and in the library, it obtains the positive effect. 2. This study result: It has the positive influence in the attitude. In the achievement aspect, priests and disciples both sides have the promotion. 3. Difficult in teaching : The teaching material component are excessively too much, the teaching hour is insufficient; It is not easy to guide the student to discuss; The master worker does not actively guide the apprentice; A part of low achievement student was still unable to integrate this educational model. 4. In the teaching still treated the difficult position and the teacher which overcomes diligently grows the course: It is difficult to have the hardware to support the insufficiency and the software obtains; The growth course aspect has the sufficient share plan of instruction and the preparation, the development field of vision, the teacher friend who gives frank advice's necessity, the result from realized that the student responded, the change causes the student to be more earnest to study with information study opportunity equal.


廖文榮 (2004)。國小自然與生活科技教師應用網路教學現況研究。國立高雄師


