  • 學位論文


The Effects of Regulatory Fit on Consumer Purchasing Intention- With Motivation As a Moderator

指導教授 : 廖本哲


訊息陳述是消費者行為中的一項重要的理論,綜觀過去學者對於訊息陳述的研究可以發現,廣告中的訊息陳述的確會影響到消費者的評估與選擇,但過去學者對訊息陳述的研究卻忽略了消費者個體差異對廣告效果的影響。本研究引用了Higgins(1997)所提出的調節配適概念,針對不同目標導向的消費者,以價格促銷與產品組合兩種訊息陳述探討不同的消費者對於訊息陳述的反應以及對於促銷活動的態度,進而影響其購買意圖。並認為訊息內容要能和消費者的目標導向產生配適,方能對消費者的態度與評價產生正面影響。本研究分為兩階段的實驗設計,主要的研究結果如下: (1)消費者的目標導向與促銷訊息陳述所產生之配適確實對於消費者之態度有顯著的影響。屬於求成焦點的消費者較偏好比率的價格折扣以及產品組合的購買方式;而避敗焦點的消費者則較偏好金額的價格折扣與單買的購買方式。 (2)消費者動機的確存在干擾效果,尤其在高動機的情況下,原本對於促銷訊息陳述沒有配適的消費者轉變成為有配適,且其消費者態度明顯提升。所以相較於高動機的消費者而言、調節配適對低動機消費者有較大的影響。 上述的研究結果証明了廣告訊息陳述在加入了調節配適之後,對消費者的態度與購買意圖將有較佳的解釋能力。所以本研究依據此研究結果在最後提出了研究建議,以期提供實務界發展促銷策略時之參考。


There are many studies concerning the effects of message framing to consumer behavior. However, most researches focused on positive and negative framing as the main purpose. Therefore, this research utilize two different messages that including price discount and product bundle to combine regulatory fit theory which has been emphasis in recent years. The regulatory fit theory demarcates two types of consumer’s goal orientation, which are promotion focus and prevention focus. This research utilizes two experiments to analyze how regulatory fit influence the consumers’ attitude toward the sales promotion activities and also the consumers’ purchase intentions. The main results of this research are: 1.The regulatory fit which arises from consumers’ goal orientation and message framing has significantly influence on consumers’ attitude. Consumers who are “promotion focus” prefer the “percentage” price discount message framing and willing to buy “product bundle”. On the other hand, consumers who are “prevention focus” prefer the “dollars” price discount message framing and not willing to buy “product bundle”. 2.The moderating effect of consumers’ motivation is significant. In the condition of high motivation, consumers’ attitude toward the ads is equal no matter fit or non-fit. But in the condition of low motivation, there is significant difference on the attitude between fit and non-fit groups. In the end of this research, we provide different message framing strategy as a reference to the practical applications.


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