  • 學位論文


Distributed Geo-Databases Integration using Data Grid

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


摘要 目前遙感探測技術日新月異,利用衛星遙測影像、飛機空載航照影像製作三維飛行模擬實景展示應用技術迅速普及;但若需達到即時實景影像之三維飛行模擬,則需藉由不斷更新該地表影像資料及數值地形模型資料,來產生該地區最真實之三維立體影像圖台,並提供一個即時互動的虛擬地理空間環境。然而現今衛星遙測影像及航照影像資料大多落於國內外各個相關研究機構及部門,且在這些研究機構及部門均各自擁有不同之遙測及航照所產生之遙測影像地理空間資料庫。但在遙測(Remote Sensing)的領域中,遙測影像具有高成本、高價值、高靈活性及不受時空限制等特性,因此唯有效利用散落在各地的地理空間資料庫中的遙測影像,才能降低成本、節省資源及重複利用資源,避免不必要的浪費。但是一般使用者往往無法藉著簡單的介面來查詢分散在各地的遙測影像資料,來產生與目前實地現況相符的三維飛行模擬實景。因此,在利用遙測衛星影像產生實景三維飛行模擬的應用中,本研究目的即應用格網的技術來整合分散式地理空間資料庫,將符合即時三維飛行模擬展示的遙測影像資料透過GridFTP,提供給其它三維實景飛行模擬系統開發使用。 分散在各地的地理空間庫或各個不同的遙測衛星可被視為不同節點的地表探測器,並透過資料格網架構來整合,讓研究人員能從手邊的電腦透過格網入口,來取得來自不同衛星公司的遙測影像資料,進而達到對地表即時監測。 在實作方面,主要應用格網計算的相關技術,透過以GT4 (Globus Toolkit 4.03) 的基本架構,建立整合分散式地理空間資料庫格網入口(Distributed Geo-Databases Integration using Data Grid Portal)來解決遙測影像在三維飛行模擬應用上讀取分散式資料庫的協同合作問題。以簡單的兩點飛行路徑查詢服務與銓釋資料庫進行比對,提供分散式地理空間資料庫中之遙測影像資料的整合,最後將以GridFTP取回可見光學遙測影像與DEM檔案透過ArcGlobe整合呈現成三維立體圖台,如此一來使用者將能夠透過本研究來取得更多元與更豐富的遙測影像資源。


ABSTRACT Remote sensing has been a well developed technology. Especially in 3D applications, people often use satellite remote sensing imagery and aerial photos to build the 3D model. For real-time 3D flight simulation, besides a interactive virtual geographic environment, service providers have to update the imagery and DTM frequently to generate a realistic 3D scene of the specific location. However, relative materials like remote sensing data and aerial photos are distributed within government departments, research agencies or private enterprises and kept in different databases. To obtain a remote sensing image is very expensive, therefore we need to integrate remote sensing resource in different database to save the cost for a new image collect and reuse the archived images. But the problem is people don’t have a simple and convenient query interface to find out all the resource in different database to build a 3D scene. The purpose of this research is to use Grid technique to integrate distributed geo-spatial database and provide a query interface so uses can search between geo-spatial databases and get remote sensing data they need for 3D flight simulation through GridFTP. These difference imagery databases and remote sensing satellites are regarded as different ground observers, and we use Data Grid technique to integrate all of them. Through Grid Portal, People can use their computers to access remote sensing imagery from different databases in different companies. So they can almost real-time monitor their area of interest. In the demonstration, therefore to solve the problem of query between different databases from software, through GT4 (Globus Toolkit 4.03) basic framework, we use Grid operation and related technologies to build “Distribute Geo-Databases Integration using Data Grid Portal” to solve coordination and corporation problems. we present how to a create a flight path between two points and use it to query imagery and metadata databases. Since we already integrate different databases, optical remote sensing images and DEM will deliver to uses through GridFTP and they can use commercial software for 3D display. With the integrated database we provide, users can get all the resource they need to build a realistic 3D scene with the same scenario.


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