  • 學位論文

績效評估制度與實施成效之研究 —以夏暉物流個案為例—

The Practice and Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal System : A Case Study on HAVI Compamy

指導教授 : 諸承明


在二十一世紀的今天,企業競爭越來越激烈,在經營過程中管理人員莫不時時刻刻地專注於組織的經營績效,為使公司上下目標一致,並讓員工表現的優劣亦有評核的基準,績效評估制度應運而生。績效評估結果可以提供企業主管員工最完整的工作表現;績效評估亦可達到「汰弱留強」的目的,主管可根據此評估結果來做員工升遷、調薪、分紅的依據。   但不論在那個組織中,總會有員工對於績效評估後出來的結果表示不滿,企業最好的作為就是讓績效評估制度更趨完善。因此本研究的主要目的就是希冀能建構一較完善的績效評估制度,針對夏暉物流評估項目、方式、與考核辦法進行研究,探討績效評估制度應該注意的事項,以及管理階層對績效評核指標運用的建議。 本研究除了進行完整的文獻探討之外,亦採用訪談方式得到相關問題。經由分析之後,共歸納的研究建議如下: 一、績效評估流程: 由公司高層及HR成立稽核小組,作稽核檢查以確保各部門主管遵循既定的模式進行績效評估作業。 二、績效評估人員: 針對主管及員工給予訓練,使主管與員工清楚了績效評估之意義與重要性。 三、績效評估時機: 建議將年中評核之頻率提高為每季一次,以期能發揮及時追蹤修訂之效能。 四、績效評估面談: 建議訂定面談指導方針包括進行的方式、步驟及涵蓋溝通的項目,確保所有項目都被完整溝通。 五、績效評估內容與方法:績效評估的內容應為員工所能控制;透過上級主管及稽核小組之協助以訂定合理之工作目標及衡量指標。 六、績效評估之整理效益:爭取公司高層支持,由HR邀集部門主管共同針對績效評估制度的問題進行討論並提出改善建議,再作必要的修正。




In time of tough competition, the executive of firms focus more and more on the performance result to outstand in the competitive environment in the 21century. To align the objectives and standardize the performance evaluation, the performance appraisal system comes out. One of the true functions of a good performance appraisal system is to reveal the real performance of the employees, also it can achieve the purpose of “retaining the good replacing the bad”. Based on the evaluation results, the management can be decisive on the promotion, salary adjustment profit sharing for employees. However, it happens all the time that employees may feel uncomfortable about the results of performance appraisal. The best the corporate can do is to make the system a better one to avoid any defects. The main objective for the research is to evaluate the performance appraisal system of HAVI Logistics and give recommendations for further improvement on the process, methodology, and measurement setting. In addition to the discussion of the literature, in the research we also conducts interview to get more information. Below are the recommendations according to the research result: 1. Process: An audit team which is composed of the management HR department is recommended to conduct audit for the purpose of ensuring the compliance of the performance appraisal. 2. People: More training should be conducted to the employees for them to understand the importance meaning of performance appraisal. 3. Frequency: Change the mid-year review to be quarterly review to improve the effectiveness of performance appraisal. 4. Interview communication: Set up interview guideline which includes method, process and items that are to be communicated with to ensure all employees are well communicated. 5. Content method: The content for the performance appraisal should be “achievable, that is, reasonable objectives measurement should be taken into consideration by managers while setting the goal for the employees. 6. Overall benefit: The support from top management is a must. With the support, HR then conducts a discussion to invite the input and suggestion for the improvement on the existing performance appraisal system from the department heads.


performance appraisal


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