  • 學位論文


A Study of Sixth-grade Teachers’ Knowledge in Equal Sign Teaching

指導教授 : 袁媛


本研究旨在探討國小六年級教師的等號知識、對學生等號認知知識及等號教學的做法。研究工具為自編的「國小六年級教師的等號教學知識探討問卷」,研究樣本為桃園縣98學年度國小六年級教師共173名。問卷所得資料利用SPSS進行分析,研究結果如下: 一、 多數的國小六年級教師對於等號的基本概念有一定程度的了解,且在等號解題上是採用代數解題策略。 二、 不同性別及不同教育程度之國小六年級教師的等號概念未達顯著差異。 三、 教學年資在20(含)年以上之國小六年級教師在等號概念上較低於其他教學年資之教師。 四、 數理相關科系的教師其等號概念優於非數理相關科系的教師。 五、 教師低估學生的等號答題能力,但高估學生使用代數解題策略的比例。 六、 多數的教師主要以列式解說或加強對等號意義的解釋作為在教學的做法。 本研究根據研究結果,進一步針對課程教材與教學、師資培育與未來研究提出具體建議。


This study mainly discusses the knowledge of the sixth grade of elementary schools teachers on equal sign. This paper will also discuss the understanding of the students on equal sign and teaching method on equal sign. The objective of this study is to adopt the self-edited survey entitled “Questionnaire on the knowledge of equal sign of sixth grade of elementary schools teachers” as the study tool. The study group of 173 includes the members of the sixth grade elementary school teachers in Tao Yuan County during the school year of 2009. This method was used to analyze the teachers’ knowledge of equal sign. The data of these questionnaire survey is analyzed by using the software SPSS. The conclusions of the study are as follows, 1. Most of the sixth grade elementary schools teachers have adequate understanding of the basic concept of equal sign, and the solving skill is to adopt the algebra-solving strategy. 2. There is no significant difference on the equal sign knowledge of sixth grade elementary school teachers with regard to difference in sex and educational level. 3. Sixth grade elementary school teachers with more than twenty years teaching experience have a poorer understanding on equal sign than other teachers. 4. The teachers with mathematical background have better understanding on equal sign than the teachers with non-mathematical background. 5. Teachers underestimate the ability of students to use equal sign in solving problems and overestimate the students’ ability to use algebraic method. 6. Most of the teachers adopt the teaching method of explaining by displaying equations or emphasis on the meaning of equal sign. According to the conclusions of the study, there are further the specific suggestions about “teaching materials and instruction” , “teacher-training” and future study are provided at the end.




