  • 學位論文


Attentional Bias to Moving Cockroaches in Cockroach Fear Individuals


許多焦慮的認知模型並未描述威脅的動態特性,¬注意力偏誤的研究也多是以字或靜態圖片做為刺激材料。雖然迫近脆弱性模型強調個體會將威脅知覺為動態,但僅關注迫近脆弱程度與負向感受間的關聯性,對注意力偏誤的影響並未深入說明。本研究包含兩個實驗,旨在了解動態的蟑螂刺激是否會影響高懼蟑者的負向感受與注意力偏誤。研究採用空間線索作業,操弄圖片向參與者前進、後退與靜止等三種情境,並在刺激圖片呈現150、200與500毫秒等時間之下,觀察高懼蟑組與低懼組的主觀感受與注意力偏誤是否相異。 研究一(N = 26)結果發現,在刺激呈現500毫秒時,蟑螂刺激前進所引發的負向感受(高威脅、高生理激動、負向情緒)較蟑螂靜止時更為強烈,其中以威脅度量尺最接近迫近的假設。研究二(N = 38)顯示兩組在注意力偏誤指標上沒有差異,但注意力導向指標顯示兩組皆傾向去注意蟑螂刺激;而時間序列分析發現,高懼蟑組對動態刺激的注意力逃避較早啟動或維持較久。綜合兩實驗結果,動態(前進或後退)威脅較容易攫取注意力,但前進與後退的效果相似。研究並討論動態觀點對於心理治療的應用及未來可行方向。


Dynamic threatening stimuli are prevalent in the environment but not well investigated and discussed in cognitive models of anxiety. So far, only words and static pictures have been used as aversive stimuli in anxiety and phobic research. The present study aimed at investigating the influence of moving threatening stimuli on perceptions and attentional bias. I presented pictures of roaches which moved forward, backward or was static for 150, 200 or 500 ms. The differences between high and low fearful individuals were compared. In Study 1 (N = 26), the results showed that for the 500-ms condition, looming roaches elicited higher threatening, arousal and negative feelings than static roaches. In Study 2 (N = 38), the attentional bias index showed no difference between high and low fearful individuals. But the orienting index showed that both groups attended to roaches in the moving conditions. Time course analysis showed that high fearful individuals attended away from roaches earlier or longer than low fearful individuals. To sum up, the present study indicated that individuals directed their attention toward moving (forward or backward) threatening stimuli. The effect of forward threat was similar to backward threat. These fidings in relation to psychotherapy and future research possibilities are discussed.


American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association.
Antony, M. M., Brown, T. A., & Barlow, D. H. (1997). Heterogeneity among specific phobia types in DSM-IV. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35(12), 1089-1100.
