  • 學位論文


A study of the influence on the handmade paper image preference of female lifestyle


現今消費者對於商品的品質、質感的要求越來越高,重視的不再是商品的價格或品牌而是風格、品味和感受,為了更準確掌握消費者的看法和偏好,開發適合販售的商品,本研究透過問卷調查的方式來瞭解,不同生活型態的女性對各式手工抄紙的質感意象感受及偏好差異,研究目的為(1)探討女性消費者的生活型態。(2)探討女性對手工抄紙的質感意象感受。(3)探討不同生活型態的女性消費者,對於手工抄紙質感偏好差異與意象感受之影響。 研究成果如下: 1. 18~35 歲的女性生活型態分為「務實理性型」、「主觀理想型」、「內斂傳統型」、「開放崇洋型」、「即時享樂型」和「自然樂活型」六個族群。 2. 手工抄紙依視覺原理可分為泥狀類、平滑類、分散點狀類、密集點狀類、密集長細絲類、分散長細絲類、密集短細絲類、分散短細絲類、分散片狀類、密集片狀類以及有機形狀類等11類。 3. 在手工抄紙質感意象感受上,最具「自然和諧的」與「復古懷舊的」意象感受的手工抄紙是分散長細絲類;最具「冷調現代的」與「雅緻高貴的」意象感受的是有機形狀類;最具「活潑有趣的」意象感受的是分散點狀類。 4. 生活型態對手工抄紙的偏好有所影響,各族群偏好的手工抄紙:「務實理性型」最喜歡的手工抄紙類型是泥狀類;「內斂傳統型」是平滑類;「開放崇洋型」是有機形狀類;「自然樂活型」則是分散片狀類、分散點狀類和密集短細絲類;「主觀理想型」與「即時享樂型」沒有特別偏好的手工抄紙類型。 5. 各族群的偏好接受到「自然和諧的」、「雅緻高貴的」和「活潑 有趣的」三個意象語彙影響,但影響程度有所差異也因此造成偏好的差異。


Nowadays, consumers have increasingly higher demands for products. A product’s price or brand is no longer the foremost concern; it is now style, taste, and image. In order to acquire a precise knowledge of consumer opinions and preferences so as to develop suitable products, a questionnaire survey was conducted in this study to obtain data on the image texture perceptions of and preferences for various types of handmade paper from females living different lifestyles. The research purposes are as follows: 1) to review the lifestyles of female consumers; 2) to explore females’ image texture perception of handmade paper; and 3) to discover the degree of influence that lifestyle has on female consumers’ image texture perceptions of and preferences for handmade paper. There are a number of research results. 1) The lifestyles of females between the ages of 18 to 35 could be differentiated into the six types of practical rational, subjective idealist, reserved traditional, open and foreign servility, carpe diem, and natural lohas. 2) Handmade paper can be divided into eleven categories according to the visual perception: pulpous, smooth, diffused dotting, concentrated dotting, concentrated long fibres, diffused long fibres, concentrated short fibres, concentrated short fibres, diffused flakes, concentrated flakes, and organic shapes. 3) Regarding the visual sense of the texture of the handmade paper, the visual sense that contained the strongest sense of natural harmony and retro vintage was diffused long fibers, that contained the strongest sense of cool-toned modern and refined elegance was organic shapes; that contained the strongest sense of fun liveliness was diffused dotting. 4) The lifestyles of female consumers were found to have positive effects on their preferences for handmade paper. The practical rational type preferred pulpous handmade paper; the reserved traditional type preferred smooth paper; the open and foreign servility type preferred organic shapes; the natural lohas type preferred diffused flakes, diffused dotting, and concentrated short fibres; and neither the subjective idealist nor the carpe diem types had any special preferences for handmade paper. 5) Lastly, the preferences for all groups were positively influenced by the image vocabularies of natural harmony, refined elegance, and fun liveliness; however, different degrees of nfluence resulted in different preferences.


Handmade paper Female Consumers Preference Lifestyle Image


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