  • 學位論文


Study of Optimal Eco-Design and Suppliers Selection for Notebook Computers

指導教授 : 饒忻


隨著環保意識與永續發展意識的提高,全球各國政府注意到全球暖化問題,並開始要求企業揭露產品的環境資訊並規範企業溫室氣體的排放量,以減緩或是抑制溫室氣體的排放。企業進行生產時應同時兼顧經濟及環境的問題,同時為了降低對環境的影響及資源永續的利用,無論是在製造端及消費者使用端,能源消耗也是重要議題之一。進行產品設計時,企業若能考量生態化設計,在產品生命週期期間,能使能源及資源有效的使用,將會對環境的改善有極大的貢獻。 本研究以筆記型電腦為例進行盤查作業,並評估該產品對環境之衝擊及其二氧化碳排放量。進而本研究提出綠色供應商績效評選模式,探討出符合企業對供應商的要求,並挑選對環境衝擊低之筆記型電腦材料、零組件及筆記型電腦之供應商。另本研究針對原物料選用、易拆解、易回收及節能設計等方面,探討筆記型電腦生態化設計,並提出其設計相關原則。


With the rising awareness on environmental protection and sustainable development, governments around the world are aware of the problem of the global warming and begin requiring companies to disclose product environmental information and regulate corporates ’greenhouse gas emissions in order to slow down or inhibit the emission of greenhouse gases. While enterprises produce their products, they should take into account both economic and environmental issues. In order to reduce the impact on the environmental effect and the sustainable use of resources, energy consumption is one of the important issues, regardless at the stage of manufacturing or consumer usage. However, at the design stage, it will be a great contribution to environment improvement, if an enterprise can consider the eco-design for letting energy and resources be used effectively in the product life cycle. This study takes notebook computer as an example to perform life cycle inventory and assess its environmental impact and carbon dioxide emission. Moreover, this study proposes a green suppliers’ performance evaluation model in order to select the best suppliers who meet the requirements of an enterprise and support the materials, components and notebook computer which have low impact on environment. In addition, with regard to the raw material selection, easy disassembly, easy recycling and energy-saving design, this study explores the eco-design issue of notebook computer for proposing the related design principles.


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