  • 學位論文

台灣夜市文化書籍設計創作 ─以士林夜市為例─

The Book Design of Night Market Culture in Taiwan –A Case Study of Shilin Night Market

指導教授 : 瓦歷斯.拉拜


台灣長期以來以代工聞名,生產品質受肯定,但最主要受利者卻不是生產製造的台灣,而是經營品牌的外國公司企業,要讓台灣走上國際舞台,自家品牌經營成為最重要的議題,而如何走出台灣自己的品牌,讓其擁有一定的識別度,能在國際市場上與其他國家的品牌競爭,就值得好好來探討台灣的特色與魅力。 台灣一直處於一個自我認同矛盾的處境中,不同的種族、不同的語言、不同的政治取向、不同的文化背景,似乎很難找到一種可以代表全台灣人的文化風格,反向思考,台灣在外國人眼中的樣貌是甚麼,發現外國人對台灣印象深刻的主要是美食、人情味、夜市,這些都是最貼近人民生活的事物,特別是夜市,夜市是台灣很普遍與獨特的文化,繁華的夜生活、熱鬧的人群、便宜好吃的小吃、五顏六色的燈光,都符合外國人對台灣的印象,是不是我們也要像美國現代消費文化演變出來的普普藝術,用台灣的夜市文化,來轉換思考我們自身文化風格時切入點,不從雜亂不一的過去歷史摸索總會造成爭議的結果,而選擇一起在這片土地生活的人所共同混合產生的生活風格,來尋求台灣人對這片土地文化的共同記憶與認同。 士林夜市可能是最廣為國內外人知的台灣夜市之一,歷史悠久且佔地範圍廣大,除了夜市本身跟地方發展的故事緊密結合外,士林夜市可能也是近來最富話題的台灣夜市之一,以士林夜市做為題材,進一步去整理發掘屬於台灣夜市的景色、圖像與符號,希望可以實驗出一種展新但又充滿台灣文化性的視覺風格應用於設計上。


圖像設計 台灣意象 夜市


For a long Time, Taiwan is famous for its original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and high quality products ; however, the foreign brand enterprises benefit greatly from that, not Taiwan. For promoting Taiwan, the ideas of brand operation in Taiwan are the most important issue. It must introduce the uniqueness and identification of Taiwan to be able to compete with the others brands globally. The self-recognition is in a conflicting situation in Taiwan. There are many races, languages, political orientations, and cultures from different places, so it seems like it is difficult to find one culture that can represent all the people in Taiwan. On the contrary, how does Taiwan look like to the foreigners? We discover the most impressive things to the foreigners are food, friendliness and hospitality, and night market. Things above are closely attached to Taiwanese’s daily life; especially, the night market. The crowded and noisy night life plus the cheap and delicious snacks at the night market are very popular and unique culture in Taiwan. Rather to find one from the complicated past, maybe we should focus our thoughts on the culture belongs to Taiwan from the contemporary mixed life style just like the pop art born by the contemporary American mass consumer culture. Shilin Night Market is one of the most famous night markets in Taiwan. It has a long history and ranges widely. Shilin Night Market is not only the strong connection between night market and Shilin’s development, but maybe also one of the most controversial night markets in Taiwan. In this case study, by researching the scenes, images, and symbols of the night market in Taiwan, I wish to create a brand new graphic design style with the unique Taiwan culture.




