  • 學位論文


Monetary Policy Comparison between Vietnam and Thailand

指導教授 : 高一誠


越南與泰國都在東南亞國協(ASEAN),屬於出口導向的國家。匯率貨幣政策對於越南與泰國的經濟整體有很大的影響所以貨幣政策非常重要。貨幣市場的利率對每個國家都是很重要的一個指標。本研究使用Taylor(2001)提出基本模型。Taylor模型探討一些經濟指標對一個國家影響非常大為 GDP、CPI、失業率、利率貨幣政策、匯率貨幣政策還有加上美國利率為參數而然發現那下指標的關係 。貨幣制度方面我們探討越南與泰國中央銀行匯率政策的差別。本研究發現越南與泰國的利率與匯率顯著影響。GDP、失業率、美國利率為不顯著影,差別在越南CPI顯示顯著,泰國CPI不顯著。


Vietnam and Thailand are export-oriented economies and are also ASEAN's member countries. The exchange rate regime is very important for Vietnam and Thailand since it has a large effect on their entire economies, especially for the export sections. Interest rates in money market also provide a vital factor for both countries. This paper employs the basic model and monetary system of Taylor (2001) to research the topic. On the one hand, we utilize Taylor's model to discuss about the relationship between GDP, CPI, unemployment rate, inflation rate, interest rate in the US ,real exchange rate and interest rate. On the other hand, we exploit monetary system to discuss the differences between exchange rate policy of central bank in Vietnam and Thailand. The result shows that Vietnam and Thailand interest rate, exchange rate are significant effected. But the U.S interest rate,unemployment, GDP are not significant effected. The major difference is CPI, Vietnam CPI is significant effected but Thailand is not significant .


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