  • 學位論文


A Study of Design Strategy in Local Cultural Creative Industries

指導教授 : 曾光宗


地方產業是地方生活的總體呈現,也是維持地方總體發展的生活命脈。近年來,隨著生活形態的轉變,全球化、國際化的產業發展趨勢,導致地方產業逐漸式萎。有鑒於此,臺灣地方文化產業的推動機制也隨之啟動,對於如萬般潮湧匯流於現今文化創意產業政策,能在此全球經濟競爭結構體制的環流中汲取文化創意產業理論思潮,擬定地方性文化創意產業政策與地方產業經濟再生策略的執行,為本研究探討重點。 本研究採用「紮根理論」做為主要的研究方法,進行地方性文化創意產業之設計策略探討,根據地方“政策”、“文化”、“產業”與“設計執行”等面向,探討地方性文化創意產業發展之設計策略。 整體研究過程以動態開放式進行,一方面透過文化研究之文獻評析,再經由田野調查、深度訪談的方式,並進行口語資料分析等歸納演繹及比較研究等方式,再將訪談的逐字原文置於語意和語境線索中分析,使概念範圍得以被歸納為研究所關切的主要範疇。本研究依據上述四個面向進行深度訪談,將訪談內容做編碼、分類與彙整,經開放性譯碼後共得到1489個概念、123個次範疇與22個主要範疇,根據範疇分類建立地方性文化創意產業設計策略之典範模型,根據典範模型的歸導,獲得以下幾點結論:1. 從政策面向:設計於地方性文化創意產業政策推動具有影響力;2.從地方面向:地方性文化創意產業需要設計參與開發執行操作;3.從產業面向:設計建構地方性文化創意產業之鏈結;4.從設計面向:設計於地方性文化創意產業政策定位仍需提升;5.從地方經濟面向:建構地方性文化創意產業之經濟結構。 本研究依據上述五點將地方性文化創意產業之設計策略擬定為四個階段;依據地方性文化創意產業之設計目標(可行性評估~方向擬定)、設計共識(存續性評估~方法擬定)、設計企劃(需求性評估~方案擬定)與設計開發(發展性評估~方針擬定),本研究契希藉此一設計策略架構,得以整合、擴展與推動地方性文化創意產業的多元風貌,來提供中央政策、地方組織、地方產業於相關計劃地推動執行,以達到地方性文化創意產業之政策擬定、地方文化深化、地方產業開發與尊重設計專業得以全面發展之最終目標。


Local industry is an overall presentation of local life and also maintains the life pulse of overall local development. In recent years the shift in lifestyle, globalization, and the trend of global industry development has resulted in a decline of local industries. Due to this, promotional mechanisms of Taiwan’s local cultural industries have also been initiated; the purpose of this study is to explore theoretical thinking centered on culturally creative industries that can act as industry strategy to establish and execute regenerative strategy for local culturally creative industries and local economies. This study utilizes “root theory” as the primary research method to explore the “design strategy of local culturally creative industries” through aspects of “policy”, “culture”, “industry”, and “design execution” to discover the characteristics of local culture and establish an appropriate design strategy for local culturally creative industries. The entire process of this Study adopts a dynamic, open fashion. It first begins with literature analysis on culture study, followed by field investigation and in-depth interview, and summarizes, deduces, and compares with protocol analysis. The words of the interview are analyzed for their semantic and contextual clues to summarize the scope of concepts into a primary scope concerning this Study. According to the four facets abovementioned, in-depth interviews are conducted, of which content is coded, grouped, and consolidated. Total 1489 concepts, 123 sub scopes, and 22 primary scopes have been derived from open coding. According to the grouping of scopes, a reference model for local culture/creativity industry design strategy is established. Summary based on the reference model leads to the following conclusions: 1. Policy facet: design can be influential to local culture/creativity industry policy; 2. Location facet: local culture/creativity industry needs the element of design in its development, execution, and operation; 3. Industry facet: design and construct the links among the local culture/creativity industry; 4. Design facet: the position of design in local culture/creativity industry policy needs to be promoted further; 5. Local economy facet: construct the economic structure of local culture/creativity industry. According to the abovementioned 5 facets, this Study has divided the local culture/creativity industry design strategy into 4 stages: design target according to local culture/creativity industry (viability assessment – defining direction), design consensus (sustainability assessment – defining method), design planning (need assessment – defining solution), and design development (scalability assessment – defining strategy). This Study hopes that this design strategy structure may integrate, expand, and promote diversity of local culture/creativity industry for promoting and implementing the related plans regarding to central policies, local organizations, and local industries and to comprehensively achieve the ultimate goals of defining policies for local culture/creativity industry, deep-rooting local culture, develop local industry, and respect design as a profession.




