  • 學位論文


Implicit and Explicit Attitude to Self and Others in Paranoid Ideation and Negative Emotion.

指導教授 : 洪福建


研究背景與目的:在被害妄想症的心理學研究中,自尊或自我概念是經常被拿出來探討的取向,然而它在被害妄想意念的形成或維持機制中所扮演角色一直不清楚,研究結果也相當不一致。目前有兩個主要的觀點,其一假設由Bentall等人提出,被害妄想意念是為了保護個體避免覺察內在低自尊的狀態,而增加個體的外顯自尊,成為一種誇大的自利偏誤作為保護個體的防衛機轉,因此內外自尊的不一致狀態與被害妄想症狀有關。另一個假設由Freeman等人提出,認為具被害妄想意念者預期外界或他人具有威脅且將對自己造成傷害,因此個體會感受較多焦慮,並認為他人是不可信任等負面態度。因此本研究欲探討具被害妄想意念之個體對自我的看法是否具有內隱負向自我態度、外顯正向自我態度之現象,此外因過去未有研究比較具被害妄想意念者及一般個體對他人的內隱及外顯態度之一致性是否有所不同,故本研究也進行相關探討,並加上憂鬱及焦慮之情緒狀態,以了解負面情緒、對他人及自我內外看法與被害妄想意念間的關係。 研究方法:本研究以兩階段進行,第一階段為團體量表施測,需完成Green被害妄想量表(GPTS)及簡短核心基模量表(BCSS),共有493份完整問卷納入後續分析。並根據GPTS分數,篩選出百分位數大於90(74分以上)為高被害妄想意念組、百分位數介於45~55(介於49~53分)為中被害妄想意念組、及百分位數低於10(低於38分)為低被害妄想意念組,每組各20人,進行第二階段Go/No-go連結作業(GNAT),並填寫貝克憂鬱量表(BDI)、特質-情境焦慮量表 (STAI)。然因後續統計分析發現中、低被害妄想意念組在BDI、STAI-T及GPTS中的被害想法部分分數無顯著差異,故組間分析僅比較高、低被害妄想意念組之差異。 研究結果:相關分析發現GPTS總分與BDI、STAI-T及BCSS中對自我及他人的負向概念皆為正相關,控制焦慮特質及憂鬱影響後,BCSS自我正向概念亦達顯著正相關。在GNAT中,控制焦慮特質及憂鬱影響後,高低被害妄想意念組在正確率上無顯著差異,在整體反應時間上,雖然組別相關之效果未達顯著,但目標類別與態度之按鍵組合有顯著交互作用效果。且在他人/負向按鍵組合上,低被害妄想意念組反應速度與高組達邊緣顯著差異。在BCSS中,高、低被害妄想意念組在控制焦慮特質與憂鬱影響後,於正向自我概念及負向他人概念上達顯著差異。 結論:研究發現被害妄想意念主要與焦慮特質有關,而低被害妄想意念者對他人之態度有內隱負向、外顯正向之現象,而高被害妄想意念者對他人之內隱及外顯態度都為負向。對自我態度方面,低被害妄想意念者對自我的內外態度皆為正向,而在高被害妄想意念者身上雖然對自我的內外態度皆為正向,但其外顯對自我的正向態度顯著比低被害妄想意念者高出許多,顯示高被害妄想意念者有更誇大的自利偏誤歸因模式,且對他人有更多外顯的負向概念。研究結果分別符合Freeman及Bentall等人的理論假設,在文末亦提出研究之可能限制及未來方向。


Background and purpose. Self-esteem or self-concept is frequently targeted in psychological approaches to persecutory delusions (PD). However, its role in the formation and maintenance of PD is unclear and has inconsistent conclusions. There are two major theory, one of these by Bentall hypothesizes that PD might serve to prevent low self-esteem reaching conscious awareness by enhance explicit self-esteem, and become an extreme self-serving bias as a defense to protect the self, this inconsistence related to PD. Another theory propose by Freeman hypothesizes that PD noticed the threat stimuli and expect to cause harm and made them more anxiety, had negative belief to others, like suspicion. Aim of this study investigate the consistency of implicit and explicit attitude in PD and healthy control participant, we also wondering the relationship between anxiety, depression, the attitude to self and other, and PD. Methods. There is two-step in this study. According the result of Green’s Paranoid Thought Scale (GPTS) which participant took in first stage with Brief Core Schema Scales (BCSS), we select high, middle, and low PD into second stage, and invited them take the Go/No-go association task (GNAT), Beck depression Inventory (BDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). However, in some statistical analysis only include high and low PD because the middle and low PD had no significant difference in BDI, STAI-T and persecution subscale of GPTS. Results. In GNAT, there is no significant difference in accuracy after control the effect of BDI and STAI-T, there is interaction between target and attitude in GNAT reaction time. Low and High PD also had significant different reaction time in other/negative key press condition. In BCSS, low and high PD had significant difference in positive-self and negative-other concept after control the effect of emotion. BDI, STAI-T, negative-other and negative-self in BCSS had significant positive correlation with GPTS, positive-self also significant after control BDI and STAI-T. Discussion. This study found PD correlated with anxiety, we also found inconsistency between explicit and implicit attitude both in low and high PD; individuals with low PD have implicit negative attitude but explicit positive attitude to others. Individuals with high PD have more explicit positive concept to self than low PD, reflect extreme self-serving bias and more explicit negative concept to others in high PD. These findings are support theories by Freeman and by Bentall. The implications and limits also discussed.


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