  • 學位論文


The influence of 3D monitors and lighting environment on learning performance, visual fatigue and physiological reaction.

指導教授 : 趙金榮


本研究目的為作業人員在操作3D虛擬實境(virtual reality)時,探討配戴不同的3D立體顯示器並於不同燈光照明情境下對於作業人員的學習績效(learning performance)、視覺疲勞(visual fatigue)及生理訊號(physiological signal)的變化量之影響。受測者分別操作三種不同的顯示器,分別為快門式顯示器、紅-藍色差式顯示器與藍-紅色差式顯示器,搭配三種不同的燈光環境,白光、紅光及黃光,進行兩種不同難易度的裝配設備之學習,並於學習後進行實體設備的拆卸組裝評估績效,評估內容包含操作時間及操作錯誤次數,兩種難易度的學習時間為各15分鐘並採連續觀看,於學習結束後以閃光融合閾值(critical fusion frequency)、主觀評量問卷、心率變異度(heart rate variability)及膚電反應(galvanic skin response)的生理訊號設備蒐集視覺疲勞之數據及生理訊號,分析並探討在不同顯示器與燈光環境下是否會對學習績效及人的生理反應及視覺疲勞有所影響。   本研究結果在學習績效的相關分析部分,裝配作業時間與裝配作業錯誤次數與難易度皆有顯著(P<0.01),裝配作業錯誤次數與照明情境也均有顯著(P<0.01),且在白光下的表現優於黃光。而視覺疲勞的部分,在主觀問卷評分、閃光融合閾值(CFF)皆未達顯著,但數據的趨勢顯示,在不分顯示器種類與照明情境下,眼睛都會有視覺疲勞的變化,而色差式顯示器搭配紅光照明下時視覺疲勞的狀況較為明顯。生理變化量在頻域分析中顯示紅-藍色差顯示器有達顯著,但根據數值的趨勢變化顯示受測者的生理狀況在黃光下較為不安且焦慮,而透過生理變化量與操作績效的比對,可發現當受測者的身心狀況為放鬆時會有良好的操作績效。


The goal of this research is that we use 3D virtual reality displays to test the effect it has on learning performance, visual fatigue and physiological signal under different lighting environment. Under three different environment of light which are white, red and yellow, participants are going to operate two equipments that vary in difficulties and to use three displays, which are shutter display, red-blue anaglyph display and blue-red anaglyph display. After learning how to disassembly and assembly the equipment, we will evaluate the performance including the operation time and the number of mistakes. Under two difficulties, there will be fifteen minutes continuously to learn. After learning, we will use physiological equipment with critical fusion frequency (CFF), evaluation questionnaire, heart rate variability and galvanic skin response to collect the records of visual fatigue and physiological signal. It is to analyze and discuss whether people’s learning performance, physiological reactions and visual fatigue will be effected by different displays and the environment of light.   The result of this research about the analysis of learning performance is that there are relations among operation time, the number of mistakes and the difficulties (P<0.01); the number of mistakes is related to lighting environment (P<0.01). Especially, the performance under white light is better than under yellow one. As for visual fatigue, the score of the questionnaire and CFF are not notable. However, the trends of the statistics show that no matter what displays and lighting environment, people’s eyes will have visual fatigue. When we use the anaglyph display under red light, visual fatigue is more apparent. Regarding to the variation of physiological signal, the frequency domain analysis shows that the red-blue anaglyph display is more apparent. But the trend of numerical values shows that the physiological condition of participants is more disturbed and anxious. Comparing the variation of physiological signals and the performance, we can find that participants perform better when feeling relaxed.




