  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Anger Processing and Antisocial Behaviors in Adolescents and Juvenile Delinquents

指導教授 : 洪福建


研究背景和目的:青少年階段,常有情緒與行為問題,特別是生氣調整歷程的困難,可能造成人際互動與社交適應的困難。生氣情緒歷程(Anger processing)是個人生氣情緒經驗透過生氣的思考情緒反覆思考影響生氣表達;近期研究認為,生氣反芻(Anger rumination)以與生氣外洩(Anger out)可有效預測反社會行為以及非行行為(Delinquentcy)出現。本研究期待探討一般青少年與非行少年在生氣情緒歷程與反社會行為的差異,進而以生氣情緒歷程預測內隱反社會行(Covert antisocial bahavior)與外顯反社會行為(Overt antisocial bahavior)。 研究方法:本研究採橫斷性(cross-section)相關研究,立意取樣台灣北部矯治學校的學生(N=212)以及北部與中部地區接受正規教育學生(N=335),填寫個人基本資料問卷、狀態-特質生氣量表、生氣反芻量表、反社會行為量表,並施測矩陣推理測驗,以差異比較、線性回歸及結構方程模式進行統計分析。 研究結果:非行少年容易經驗生氣,生氣反芻傾向與生氣外洩的頻率高於一般青少年。以結構方程模式分析,發現兩組在生氣歷程明顯不同,其中非行組報復思考增加生氣外洩的機會,而後果理解增加生氣控制之調整。以結構方程模式分析,生氣情緒歷程預測內隱與反社會行為與外顯反社會行為,一般青少年與非行少年預測的路徑確實不同。 討論:報復思考內容以及缺少適當的生氣調節策略,可能是增加反社會行為與非行行為出現的關鍵因素之一。未來在非行行為的預防與介入,應考慮加入生氣情緒的認知以及情緒調整策略的教導,以降低反社會行為的出現。


Background and purpose: Adolescents have many emotions and behavioral problems, especially difficulty in regulating anger processes, might be due to interpersonal interaction and social adaption’s distress. Anger processes through re-experiencing anger feeling and anger thoughts, to influence different anger expression. Recent research also discuss that Anger rumination and Anger out are antisocial behavior and Juvenile delinquency significant predictors. The purpose is to compare the difference between Anger processing and Antisocial in adolescents and juvenile delinquency, to investigate the relationship between the anger processing with overt antisocial behaviors and covert antisocial behaviors. Method: This is a cross-sectional correlation study. The participants were recruited deliberately from juvenile correction school students in Northern Taiwan (N=212) and acceptance normal education students in Northern and Middle Taiwan (N=335). They were administered the Basic information Questionnaire, State-Trait Anger Expression Scale, Anger Rumination Scales and Antisocial Behavior Scale and Matrix Reasoning. Single sample t test, linear regression and structural equation model (SEM) were applied as the method of statistical analysis in this study. Result: Juvenile Delinquents very easy vitality, anger rumination and anger out tendency are higher than adolescents. The result of SEM analysis, anger processing predicted antisocial, there are different paths in overt antisocial behaviors and covert antisocial behaviors. Discussion: The thought of Revenge and less anger regulation strategies, maybe the key factors which cause antisocial and delinquent behaviors. Delinquency prevention and involvement in the future, consider increasing teaching emotion regulation strategies and correction of anger thoughts, may decrease antisocial behavior‘s frequency, quantity , and gravity.


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