  • 學位論文

節慶活動地方依附、體驗品質與活動效益關係之研究 -以高雄左營萬年季為例

The study on the Relationship among the Place attachment, Experience quality and Events benefits –Kaohsiung Zuoying Wannian Folklore Festival

指導教授 : 甘唐沖


觀光產業為二十一世紀的明星產業,而近年來各地政府為結合地方特色積極辦理各項節慶活動以推動觀光發展,「節慶觀光」成為台灣發展觀光之活動型態。而節慶活動的地方依附感以及參與活動的體驗品質,是決定節慶活動成功的關鍵及活動效益的重要影響因素。本研究目的主要探討節慶活動「地方依附」、「體驗品質」與「活動效益」三者間之關係,並以高雄左營萬年季之遊客為研究對象。透過便利抽樣,以面對面的方式進行問卷之調查,回收有效問卷399份,運用SPSS統計分析工具進行敘述性統計、因素分析與線性結構關係模式分析資料,並建立地方依附、體驗品質與活動效益之關係模式。 本研究進一步以線性結構關係模式驗證各變項間之因果關係,研究結果可建構具良好配適度之線性結構關係模式,其中「地方依附對體驗品質」、「體驗品質對活動效益」與「地方依附對活動效益」之關係模式皆呈現顯著正向影響,本研究建議,如欲增強活動效益,需強化地方依附及體驗品質,及改善未顯著之因素構面,期望給高雄左營萬年季主辦單位提供具體意見參考及後續研究之參考。


Travel industry become very popular in 21 century, and recently government aggressively trying to combine local characteristic to hold many different events, and event become develop tourism type of activity in Taiwan. Event’s place attachment and tourist‘s experience quality, it is important for then key’s of event success and event benefits. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships among the Place attachment, Experience quality and Events benefits of the Kaohsiung Zuoying Wannian Folklore Festival. Totally, there are 399 valid questionnaires were collected through face-to-face survey from volunteers. Applying the SPSS (statistical package for the social science) to proceed the descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, Linear Structure Relation Model(LISREL). The research tests the relationship between each variable. And the result show that there is a positive relation among the place attachment to qualities of experience, qualities of experience to event benefit and place attachment to event benefit. Therefore, the research suggests that in orfer to improve the benefit of event must strengthen the quality of experience and the tourist’s place attachment. These research hope to give some proper suggestion and advice for government and future study.


