  • 學位論文


The Origins and Evolution of Muslim Separation Movement in Southern Thailand

指導教授 : 陳佩修


泰南三府:北大年、陶公、耶拉,陸續發生伊斯蘭教恐怖份子槍擊軍警及百姓,造成近幾年來有將近三千多條人命的喪生,泰國是一個佛教國家,有大約百分之九十五的人民信仰佛教,另外百分之五的人民信仰伊斯蘭教,而這群信仰伊斯蘭教的穆斯林,大多居住在泰南地區,接近馬來西亞北部邊界,靠近馬國北部的加蘭丹、丁加奴、吉打州及霹靂省府,居民宗教信仰、生活習慣、文化習俗及語言傳統等,大多相似,反而與以曼谷為中心的泰國佛教徒,各種價值觀及社會行為均格格不入。 泰國政府每年編列大筆預算,投入在泰南三府地區的基礎建設、教育資源、軍事武裝,及農漁經濟等產業,但似乎無法有效扼阻泰南分離主義的發展,地方穆斯林對泰國佛教徒官員,仍有諸多不滿,為何會有這種現象發生呢?在泰南分離主義事件中,以曼谷為首的「暹羅帝國集團」,是否對「泰南穆斯林集團」存有「中央」對「地方」的心態?企圖以泰國佛教文化,強制壓迫泰南穆斯林單方面接受同化,將泰南三府地區視為另一「內部殖民地」?造成至今穆斯林對泰國政府的「疏離感」愈日俱增? 本文所欲驗證以及瞭解之處,包括泰南分離主義運動的形成發展與演變過程,探討泰南穆斯林分離主義運動之歷史回顧、背景原因、衝突模式、運動過程以及社會現象。分析自從西元1932-2006年間,泰國政府各個重要時期的南疆政策對「分離主義運動」之影響,以及檢視該分離主義運動是否能夠呼應Dr. Benedict Anderson和Samuel P. Huntington的觀點論述,從當中尋找出一些答案,來進一步解釋現今的泰南現象。


泰南 穆斯林 分離主義 北大年 族群衝突


Three provinces in southern Thailand: Pattani, Narathiwat, Yala, have the incidents that Islamic terrorists shooting soldiers, police and people, making nearly 3,000 lives have killed in recent years. As what we know, Thailand is a Buddhist country, more than 95 percent of Thai people believe in Buddhism, and the other 5 percent of Thai people believe in Islam. Most of the Muslims who believe in Islam, living in the southern Thailand region, close to the boundary of northern Malaysia, approach the Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, and Perlis provinces in the northern Malaysia. These people’s religious beliefs, habits, culture, language and the other traditional customs are almost the same. On the contrary, the Thai Buddhists in Bangkok as the center of country, having a social value and social behavior are incompatible with the Muslims they had. For every year, Thai Government will plan a lot of budget to put into the infrastructure, educational resources, military security, agricultural and fishing economy industries in three provinces area of southern Thailand. But it seems that Thai Government can not repress the development of separatism in southern Thailand effectively. The local Muslims still have a dissatisfy expression to the Thai Buddhist officials. Why will have this kind of phenomenon occurrence? In the event of separatism in southern Thailand, “The group of Siam Empire” led by the Bangkok city have ever treats “The group of Muslims in southern Thailand” like a “central” consider them as a “local”? They try to use the Thai Buddhist culture oppresses to the Muslims in southern Thailand strongly, to let them accept that kind of the unilateral assimilation? They regard the three provinces area in southern Thailand as another “internal colony”? For nowadays, that causes Muslims have such a feeling of “alienation” increase for everyday? For this thesis, the main point that I aim to proof and try to understand is including the development of formation and the process of evolution about secessionist movement in southern Thailand. I will probe into the historical review, backgrounds, conflict patterns, movement process, and social phenomenon of Muslim secessionists’ movement in southern Thailand. Furthermore, I will try to analyze the influence to the separatism movement that cause by the southern policy of Thailand government in each major period, since 1932 to 2006. Finally, I will survey that kind of the separatism movement can able to echo the viewpoint of Dr. Benedict Anderson and the discussion of Samuel P. Huntington or not? I will try to find out some of the answers from that one to illustrate more detail about the phenomenon that happen in southern Thailand for nowadays.


Southern Thailand Muslim Separatism Pattani Ethnic Conflict


