  • 學位論文


Construction of Buddhist Temples and Social Interaction in Jiangnan during the Late Ming Period.

指導教授 : 王鴻泰


明代佛寺作為地方重要建設,與地方社會存在密切的關係,然而明代佛寺與地方社會的研究卻非常匱乏,尤其一所佛寺的興建與社會的互動,更能夠體現地方社會的內涵。因此本文以此作為出發點,以晚明江南為考察區域,補充佛寺與地方關係研究的空白。 本文研究得出,佛寺的興建受到朱元璋佛教政策的影響,但是隨後佛教政策管理鬆動,佛寺於地方上興建擁有一定的自由空間。晚明時期,江南佛寺興建涉及層面廣泛,地方士紳能夠透過佛寺興建,建構本身於鄉里的影響力。地方官對於佛寺興建也非常重要,佛寺興建也體現了佛寺與地方治理的關係,並且促進地方民眾與官、紳的關係。江南士紳家族也藉著與佛寺之間的相互關係,建構自身家族重要的經營模式,也為佛寺帶來發展動力。另外,佛寺的長期經營與人事安排,也是佛寺長期運作的關鍵,士紳往往是佛寺人事安排的關鍵。 圍繞著佛寺開展的各類型活動,如佛寺旅遊,講經說法,與地方救濟等,都讓佛寺與社會產生頻密的接觸,並且成為士民重要的生活與活動場域。上述活動與佛寺經營息息相關,甚至是決定佛寺立足於地方關鍵。佛寺興建與地方社會的互動,讓我們明白士紳於地方運作上的作為與方式,補充士紳於地方控制的細節。


Temples are one of the most important constructions of the Ming dynasty which is closely related to the local societies. But the researches focusing on the interactions between the Ming dynasty Temples and local societies are found to be deficient, especially with the construction of Buddhist temples and society interaction which comprises of the important details regarding the association with the local societies. Therefore this thesis serves as the supplementary to the studies carried out concerning the interactions between the Buddhist temples and the local societies during the late-Ming period in the Jiangnan area. It was found that the construction of Buddhist temples were greatly restricted by the Buddhist policies as designed by the emperor Yuan-Chang Chu. But the policies slowly weakened with time giving more freedom in the constructions of temples for the local societies. The construction of Buddhist temple in the Late-Ming period of Jiangnan involved many aspects. The local gentries through the temples established their Influences on the local society. Local officials were also considered very important in the temple construction. It was an important part of the local management which stimulated the interactions among the locals, officials and gentries. The gentry families in relation with the temples, established their own important family’s management patterns and assisted in the improvement of the temple construction. The personnel appointments and the management council headed by the gentries, played an important part in the long-term temple operations. All kinds of events and happenings associated with the temple, for example, travelling around the temple, preaching Buddhist sutras, local reliefs etc., improved the interaction between the temple and the societies thereby the temple becoming an important part of the local people also making itself an activity place. Those activities were related to the interactions of temple, management personnel and the local societies. Hence the thesis conveys the details pertaining to the interactions among the gentries, councils and the local bodies which in turn influenced the construction of the temples.


一, 實錄,典籍,政書
1. 〔明〕吳亮,《萬曆疏鈔》,收入《續修四庫全書》,史部第469冊,上海:上海古籍出版社,1997。據上海圖書館藏明萬曆三十七年[1609]刻本影印。
2. 〔明〕李東陽等撰,申時行等修,《大明會典》,臺北:文海出版社,1985。
3. 〔明〕焦竑,《國朝獻徵録》,收入《四庫全書存目叢書》,史部第102冊,臺南:莊嚴文化,1996。據中國史學叢書影印明萬曆四十四年[1606]徐象橒曼山館刻本影印。
4. 〔清〕計六奇撰;魏得良,任道斌點校,《明季北略》,北京:中華書局,1984。
