  • 學位論文


The New Trinity: From Dualism to Union as Three in Paulo Coelho’s By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

指導教授 : 周曉青


本論文主要理論建構在保羅科賀的作品:《我坐在琵卓河畔,哭泣》。文章內容分成四個部分。   第一章中,關於兩性的存在、認同感以及身分議題,柯賀所提出的觀點,將其與先前思想家如海德格(Martin Hedigger)與努斯鮑姆(Martha C. Nussbaum)比較。然此將在一簡單的介紹後進行。   女性自主性,與人類的自然本性,則為承繼章節的討論主題。除了接續並提供有關人類存在議題之見解以外,申論此因建構於男性至上主義的傳統認知及原因同時也將呈現。此外,由科賀提出的解釋與思想將與努斯鮑姆以及伊蕊格萊(Luce Irigaray)做比較。   銜接上一章的說法,所謂「自然」(或自然因素)成為一可能的解釋。此解釋藉著本體論與認識論的因素比較、以及此概念的擴大,可用來表達科賀所傳遞的思維。此思維就是女性可以由肉體上的主體,以靠近上帝。此外,上帝的本質即是跳脫「形式」的說法也會提出。   科賀試著展現的「新三位一體」理論,來自於三方面所達成的融合。新的三位一體,準確來說,源自二元觀念相互結合,通過「衍生」的過程,第三個方面因此誕生。此三位一體模式不只適合人與人之間的關係,同時也適應其他種類,如人神之間。   結論將依總結前面四章之作用與方式呈現。


存在 女性 二元論 三位一體


Abstract The major defense to this thesis constructs upon the material of Paulo Coelho’s By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, which is divided into four parts. In the first chapter, issues on being, identity, and the identification of being for both genders in Coelho’s standpoints are compared with earlier thinkers like Martin Heidegger and Martha Nussbaum. Such actions take place after a brief introduction. Female subjectivity and Nature as in humans are the themes discussed in the following chapter. Except for the continuity on issues of being of humans is offered, the debate to this inhabited concern constructed upon male supremacy, and its reasons, are also presented. Moreover, solutions by Coelho are compared with Nussbaum and Luce Irigaray. On the other hand, with ontological and epistemological aspects compared to express Coelho’s perspective, with effort to expand it to theological ideas, Nature comes as a possible solution— to offer the female carnal or physical subjectivity to approach God. Also, assumption in seeing the nature of God is to stand outside of “forms” is proposed. The new theories of Trinity that Coelho tends to display come in communion within three aspects. New types of Trinity roots in unity of dualistic aspects, through generating, they produce the third. Not only can such Trinity model suit in relationship between humans but also in other ones, such as humans with God. Summarizing the concepts in former four chapters, the conclusion comes.


being female God dualism Trinity


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