  • 學位論文


A Study on Tourism Administration after Opening Taiwan to Chinese Tourists

指導教授 : 陳嫈郁


摘要: 政府宣布解除戒嚴令時,當時基於時空、背景及人道親情多方面考量,終於在一九八七年年十一月二日開放赴大陸探親之政策,並拉開兩岸單向旅遊交流序曲,並陸續開放大陸地區人民來臺觀光,兩岸呈現雙向交流層面,政府在兩岸之交流政策制定的方向,也牽動著兩岸各項交流發展趨勢。並於二○○五年二月二十四日檢討修正「大陸地區人民來臺從事觀光活動許可辦法」,取消第三類大陸人士來臺須「團進團出」的規定,而「全面開放中國大陸人民來臺觀光旅遊」,是政府大陸政策最後目標,亦是「三通直航」的風向球測試,自二○○二年一月先行局部開放「第二類」、「第三類」大陸人民來臺觀光,兩岸再度進行對話、協商,擴大開放「第一類」大陸人士來臺觀光,除以鄰國開放大陸人士觀光入境管理之經驗借鑒,及考量國家安全與國家主權因素,進行影響層面造成之衝擊評估必須相關配套措施。 本研究方法上採用文獻分析法、歷史制度路徑依賴研究法來分析相關資料研究分析對國防、經濟、社會、傳染病防疫等層次所造成安全威脅為研究課題,將研究心得、預期發現、研究成果、結論及建議,提供政府決策卓參發展應變,未來「全面開放大陸人士來臺觀光旅遊」,可能遭遇的問題應解套方法。 關鍵詞:來臺觀光、雙向交流


來臺觀光 雙向交流


Abstract After martial law was lifted, the government began to allow visits to China on humanitarian grounds on Nov. 2, 1987 to benefit many who had been separated from their family in China for decades and serve as a prelude to the one-way nature of exchanges. In 2002, two-way exchanges started when Taiwan opened her tourism market to Chinese tourists belonging to the second and third categories, but tourists must enter into, visit, and exit from Taiwan in groups. The policy was not revised until “The Rules Governing Permits for Chinese Tourists” was amended on Feb. 24, 2005. To fully open Taiwan’s tourism market to Chinese tourists is not only the ultimate goal of the government’s China policy but also the trial balloon of Three Direct Links. After talks and negotiations between both sides, Taiwan’s tourism market was finally opened to Chinese tourists belonging to the first category. The government shall refer to how neighboring countries that open their tourism market to Chinese tourists ensure to facilitate growing exchanges in such a way that enhances, nor compromises, the national security and national sovereignty. The research methods known as “Documentary Analysis” and “Historical Path Dependence” were adopted to collect data and analyze the threats posed to national defense, economy, society, prevention and control of infectious diseases by the opening of tourism market to Chinese tourists. Based on the findings, the study attempted to provide data summaries and recommendations that could be used by the government in encountering and solving problems caused by fully opening Taiwan to Chinese tourists. Key words: travel to Taiwan; two-way exchange


travel to Taiwan two-way exchange


