  • 學位論文


Another starting point of love - A self-narrative study on exploring adult life transformative learning process from experiencing the death of companion animals.

指導教授 : 蔡怡君


本研究「從同伴動物死亡經驗探究成人生命轉化學習歷程之自我敘說」,是希望研究者透過自我回憶三隻同伴動物的死亡過程,敘述在同伴動物臨終所帶來的失落悲傷經驗歷程,以及產生生命轉化學習之過程;並釐清陪伴同伴動物經歷 生老病死的生命歷程給予我對生命死亡的學習與反思。   本研究採用質性研究中的敘事研究方法,研究者藉由回憶三段飼養同伴動物犬隻之過程,並對生命及與死亡之反思。運用敘事研究中自述方式、事件回憶的方式做資料蒐集,將其自我敘說化為故事文本,以「整體-內容」、「整體-形式」模式進行文本分析,從故事中找出對於生命反思。   研究結果發現影響面對同伴動物死亡情緒有兩個最主要的原因為:一、依附關係中斷危機引發情緒;二、親密關係斷裂形成悲傷。而調適悲傷的途徑包含:(一)陷入幻想的泥濘;(二)與家人悲傷共渡;(三)朋友的觀念轉達傳遞;(四)找尋相同影像;(五)宗教理念。進一步也發現,悲傷的完成非直線、有階段性。    另外,在生命轉化上研究者因同伴動物死亡而調整看未來的角度:(一)更懂得珍惜家人希望父母彼此珍惜;(二)不再讓遺憾重蹈覆轍;(三)質疑一旦冒出來,就會緊咬著情緒不放,難以擺脫;(四)延續求生意志的精神。並且研究者在面對同伴動物死亡生命轉變包括:(一)坦然正視死亡的存在;(二)學習接納失落的事實;(三)將情緒的注意力重新投注其它關係上;(四)學會說再見。   最後研究者提供在論文撰寫過程及過程中自我學習上做反思;並且針失去同伴動物喪慟者提供相關建議以及未來有意朝向此相關研究反思學習方案規劃提供相關建議。


The main purpose of this study is to explore adult life transformative learning process from experiencing the death of companion animals. Research express the experience of sadness and life-transforming process by self-recall the death process of companion animals. And by accompany companion animals illness and death to reflect my life and the meaning of death. This study adopts narrative approach method with the qualitative research to recall the process of keeping companion animals dogs. And recall three companion animals to reflect the life and the death. Collected data by the narrative approach of self-narrative and recall the event. And the self-narrative is transformed into story text. Based on “holistic-content” and “holistic-form” method to analysis the text. Find the reflectiveness of the life in the text. The result of the study finds that emotional impact of the death of companion animals two main reason is: (1) Attachment interrupt result the Negative emotions; (2) Intimate relationship fracture sad. The main ways of adjustment are separated into five types: (1) illusion; (2) Pass the sadness with the family together; (3) Accompany and console by friends; (4) Find a similar “it ; (5) Support of Religion. And mostly all methods are utilized mutually. The selected method is not absolute or in stages and instead it is a continuous and interactive development process. Researchers at the transition from life companion animals died due to adjust the angle of the Future:(1) Cherish family relationship; (2) Don’t let regret happen again; (3) Question will follow you and it’s hard to get rid of; (4) The attitude of Will to live is not similar with before. The change of to face companion animals death is conclude: (1) face to the death; (2) Accept the fact of loss; (3) diver attention to other things; (4) Learn to say goodbye.   Finally, the researchers provided self-reflection on the process of learning; and provided some suggestions about who lost companion animal and will research relevant program planning in future.


作者:Smith. J. A)。台北市:遠流出版社。
王勇智、鄧明宇(譯)(2003)。敘說分析(原作者:Riessman, C. K)。台北市:
