  • 學位論文

個人特質、專業與遊戲特性對玩擬真賽車遊戲 吸引度之探討

Investigating the influences of individual and game characteristics on a player's intention of playing real driving game

指導教授 : 陳小芬


以往為了研究,應用在軍事與科技上的飛機、戰車與交通工具模擬平台,對CPU與GPU的運算速度要求都非常高,造價更是驚人,因此若要將此技術用在普羅大眾上幾乎是不可能的。但近年來電腦科技的進展使得以往高不可攀的硬體設備(CPU、GPU、硬碟與記憶體)價格大幅的降低。電玩產業高度的敏感性嗅出了此一商機,便將模擬平台的技術運用在電玩產品上。本研究所要探討的即是擬真賽車類遊戲的先驅,Gran Turismo(跑車浪漫旅,以下簡稱GT)。 在GT裡,可以調整汽車多樣且不同的性能設定。同一輛車經過改裝或調校後,所呈現出的運動特性迥然不同。因此汽車方面的專業知識也是遊玩GT的條件之一。GT裡面的競賽如同真車一般,有各種等級的競賽,為了贏得獎金來購買汽車或改裝,在競速的過程中充滿著挑戰性,因此挑戰性也成為GT的效益之一。聲光娛樂效果一直是遊戲所重視的環節,而GT經過幾世代的演進,已發展到Full HD(全高畫質),而GT也強調其在光影處理上的表現,因此娛樂性成為GT第三個效益。 本研究的分析結果,自變數「汽(機)車涉入程度」與因變數「GT專業性」、「GT娛樂性」、「GT困難度」與「GT吸引度」的迴歸分析都呈現顯著。由此可見,GT在真實車輛的模擬上算是頗為稱職。雖然GT是PS遊戲平台上的產品,但它隨著遊戲平台日益進步的性能而同時的增加其真實的元素。2010年6月美國的E3電玩展也證實GT5已加入3D效果,真實的境界又可向前推進,相信能給使用者更為震撼的感受與體驗。




In order to study in the past, applications and technology in military aircraft, tanks and transport simulation platform, the CPU and the GPU's computational speed were required very high, cost is staggering, so use this technology to the general public is almost impossible. In recent years, advances in computer technology made in the past of reach in hardware (CPU, GPU, hard drives and memory) prices lower. Video game industry has felt a high degree of sensitivity on this opportunity, they put a simulation platform technology used in video game products. This study investigates is the pioneer of virtual reality racing game, Gran Turismo (Gran Turismo, hereinafter referred to as GT). In the GT, the car could be adjusted in various settings and different performance. Modification or adjustment after the same vehicle after the campaigns are showing very different characteristics. So expertise about a car is one of the conditions of playing GT. Racing in GT is like a real car inside ordinary, there are various levels of competition, to win the money of prize to buy a car or modification, in the process of racing full of challenges, the challenge has become one of the benefits of GT. Sound and Light entertainment has always been important part of the game, but GT through several generations of evolution, has been developed to the Full HD, while the GT has also stressed its performance in handling light and shadow, so entertaining as the third GT benefit. The results of this study, since the variable "car involvement" and the dependent variable "GT professional", "GT entertainment", "GT difficulty" and "GT attractiveness" of the regression analysis showed significant . Thus, GT cars in the simulation of the real is a reasonably good job. Although the GT is a game on the PS platform, but with the advance of the performance game platform while the increase in their real element. E3 Game Show had confirmed that 3D effect will be joined in the United States, June 2010, the true state could be moved forward. I believe that will give users the feeling and experience even more shocking.




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