  • 學位論文


Commitment and Lost-The Impact of Neo-Liberalism on Social Work.

指導教授 : 張英陣


我國政府受到英美國家新自由主義思潮的影響下,大力推動政府改造運動,引進新管理主義於社會工作中,在新管理主義強調經濟、效率及效能前提下,大量採用民營化、契約委外、強制性競標及市場化等方式,實施社會福利服務,改變傳統社會工作的型態,亦對社會工作帶來很大的影響與衝擊。 本研究採取質性研究方法,針對10位公、私部門工作年資滿20年以上的資深工作者進行深度訪談與資料分析,研究目的主要在描繪新管理主義下的社會工作與傳統助人工作之間的差異性,進而了解新管理主義對於現今社會工作所產生的影響與衝擊,最後探討這些資深社工員們如何去因應新管理主義影響所產生之衝擊。 最後,本研究依據上述研究發現分別從政策面、實務面及學術面提出建議,政策面建議包括重新思考國家角色在福利服務中的定位及建構安全穩定的社工勞動條件;實務面建議包括重新思考社會工作的定位、設計簡化行政工作之工具、重視工作者的勞動安全、建構合理的工時、工資及負荷量、並且建立督導/主管支持系統以及尊重專業自主及專業裁量;學術面建議則包括持續累積本土實證研究,提供政府參考、結合民間共同商擬,建立真正符合實務工作需求的政策或指標,以及學者實際進入實務場域中對服務做深度的瞭解等。


Under the influences of neo-liberalism, Taiwan government promotes government reforming movement actively, and introduce New Managerialism to the social work. In emphasizing economy, efficiency and effectiveness, the ways of privatizations, contracting-outs, Compulsory Competitive Tendering, and marketization are challenging traditional social work. This study is implemented by qualitative research methods, through the purposive sampling to select 10 senior social workers. The data were gathered through in-depth interview and analyzed . This study is to differentiate between the social work under New Managerialism and the traditional social work. To analysis the effects of New Managerialism on social work. Finally, to know the strategies senior social workers the challenges. Finally, Based on the findings, there are some suggestions for policy, practice and the academia.For policies, rethinking the role of the state in welfare services in a safe and stable positioning and construction workers working conditions. For practice, including rethink the positioning about social work, design tools of simplifying the administration, place importance to job safety of social workers , build a reasonable working hours, pays and loadings, establish supervision/ management systems and respect the professional autonomy and professional decision. For academics, including continue accumulating local evidence research to build the policies and criteria in accordance with the practice works, and scholars realize deeply what the social services is in practice fields.


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