  • 學位論文


The Study of the Policy of Nuclear Power Generation: A Perspective of Policy Argumentation

指導教授 : 柯于璋


論文摘要 能源政策已經變成因應全世界氣候變遷的策略中,不可或缺的一種策略。在能源政策實施過程中,社會接受度及社會影響等因素,則是能源政策成功或失敗的重要關鍵。 1960年代,臺灣由水力發電轉而進入燃燒煤炭、石油、天然氣等等的火力發電時代,雖然臺灣本身有產煤礦,但是當時供應石油的中東地區局勢不穩定,而臺灣正處於經濟起飛的時期,為了供應大量而穩定的電源,建造核一廠的想法因孕而生。 1970年代,當政府決定建造核一廠後沒多久,第一次石油危機就發生了,火力發電的成本大幅提升,結果核一廠就被規劃進「十大建設」之中,核一廠的一號機和二號機也在70年代末期先後完工商轉。 除了包括在十大建設裡面的核一廠以外,政府也在同時進行的十二項建設中,規劃了繼續興建核二、三廠的計畫,這兩座核電廠也在1980年代初期先後商轉,為臺灣的經濟起飛和供電帶來可觀的幫助。 目前臺灣除了還在安檢的核四外,有三座核電廠:核一廠在新北市石門;核二廠在新北市萬里;核三廠則是在屏東縣恆春。 長久以來不曾遭受質疑的核能發電政策,隨著美國三浬島(1979 年)、前蘇聯車諾比爾(1986 年)與日本福島(2011年)等三次嚴重的核能安全事故,開始受到關注,尤其日本福島核災事故,使臺灣核能議題再次浮上檯面,由於臺灣和日本地理位置相近以及同樣在環太平洋斷層帶,讓福島經驗變成臺灣極為重視的殷鑑。 自1980 年代以來,因為工業污染問題在各地顯現、加上國際環保運動興起、以及國內民主化浪潮等多重衝擊之下,環境保護逐漸成為社會矚目的公共議題。 在經濟成長與科技進步的現在,電力的運用已變成目前國家、企業與社會不可或缺的能源型態,保持電力的充裕及穩定供應也變成能源政策中最重要的一部分。 可是能源及電力大量運用的時候,對環境造成的戕害與破壞的情形也日益嚴重。諸多環境議題裡面,化石能源的運用造成空氣污染、酸雨與全球暖化的問題,以及核能潛在的災變、輻射危害及核廢料處理、處置等問題,都是國人關心的焦點。 本研究目的一、了解我國採用核能政策之因素,藉由文獻分析、訪談,以深入探討此爭議性之政策。二、藉由William N. Dunn的政策論證模式,透過訪談17位受訪者的內容,分析支持與反對雙方對我國核能政策最具爭議性的論述,將論述系統性分類為(一)電源供應層面(二)核能安全層面(三)環境層面(四)發電成本層面(五)核能廢料處理及處置層面等五大層面,並詳加分析。三、評估支持與反對立場對上述五大層面,其論述之可信度,以作後續政策之參考。 本研究研究結論分別敘述(一)電源供應層面(二)核能安全層面(三)環境層面(四)發電成本層面(五)核能廢料處理及處置層面,發現支持核能政策立場者在電源供應層面、環境層面的論述可信度高,可是在核能安全層面、發電成本層面及核能廢料處理及處置層面的論述可信度偏低,並對以上論述提出研究建議。


Abstract Energy policy has become an indispensable strategy in the overall strategy to cope with global climate change. In the process of implementing energy policy, factors such as degree of acceptance of society and social consequences are vital to the success or failure of the said policy. In the 1960s, Taiwan had crossed from hydraulic power generation to coal, petroleum, and natural gas fired power generation. Despite the fact that Taiwan has coal mines, unsteady oil supply from politically undulating Middle East at the time had hampered the development of Taiwan's fledging economy. In order to pursue large and steady supply of electric power, Taiwan had come up with the idea of building its first nuclear plant. In the 1970s and not long before the government decided to the first nuclear power plant, the first oil crisis happened. This had drastically increased thermal power generation cost. This had helped in the inclusion of the first nuclear power plant in “Ten Major Construction Projects.” The first and second power generating units of the plant were completed and became commercially operational in succession in late 1970s. In addition to the first nuclear plant in “Ten Major Construction Projects,” the government has also planned the second and third nuclear power plants in the twelve infrastructural construction projects which are implemented with “Ten Major Construction Projects” at the same time. The said two plants will be commercially operational in early 1980s and contribute greatly to Taiwan’s economic development and power supply. Excluding the fourth nuclear plant which is still undergoing safety check, Taiwan has three nuclear power plants: first nuclear power plant is located in Shihmen, New Taipei City; second nuclear power plant, Wanli, New Taipei City; and third nuclear power plant, Hengchun, Pingtung County. Taiwan’s nuclear power generating policy, which was unchallenged for a long time, began to catch people’s attention after three major nuclear safety hazards, namely Three Mile Island Incident of the U.S. (1979), Chemobyl of former Soviet Union (1986), and Fukushima of Japan (2011). Taiwan’s nuclear safety issue is again put on the table especially after Fukushima Incident. This is because Taiwan and Japan are neighbors and both are located in Pacific Rim Fault Zone. Fukushima experience naturally became an important lesson for Taiwan catching the highest attention. Since 1980s, the issue of environmental protection has gradually become an issue catching wide public attention in Taiwan as a result of multiple impacts such as industrial pollution in various places, surging international environmental protection movement, and local waves of democracy. At this moment when economic and technology have greatly advanced, electric power is an indispensable form of power for Taiwan, its enterprises, and its communities. How to keep abundant and steady supply of electric power has become an important part of Taiwan’s energy policy. As energy and electric power are being widely used, their damage to the environment is also getting more and more serious. Of many environmental issues, the application of fossil energy has caused problems of air pollution, acid rain, and global warming as well as potential nuclear power disaster, damage of radiation, and problem of nuclear waste disposal. All these are issues catching the attention of people of Taiwan. The purposes of this research are: A. understanding factors contributing to Taiwan’s adoption of nuclear power policy and exploring in-depth this highly disputed policy through analyses of literature as well as interviews; B. Applying the policy argument mode of William N. Dunn; analyzing extensively contents of 17 interviewees with pros and cons in greatly disputed argumentations in Taiwan’s nuclear power policy and classifying such contents into the following aspects: a. electric power supply b. nuclear power safety c. environment d. electric power generating cost e. nuclear waste processing and disposal; C. Evaluating credibility of theories of pros and cons in the said five aspects and taking it as a reference to ensuing policy-making. Conclusion of this research has explored the said five aspects respectively and discovered that people supporting Taiwan’s nuclear power policy have higher credibility in aspects of electric power supply and environment. However, in aspects of nuclear power safety, electric power generating cost and nuclear waste processing and disposal, their credibility is low. This research has also provided suggestions to the above-mentioned argumentations.


