  • 學位論文


The Process of Returning to Work of People with Acquired Physical Disabilities

指導教授 : 王育瑜


本研究旨在探討中途肢體障礙者在重返職場的過程與經驗,探索促使此一人口群在重返職場時面臨到失業與再就業循環的因素有哪些,以及他們如何看待重返職場的過程和資源層面使用的情形。由於本研究目的在於探索中途肢體障礙者其重返職場後的現象、個人對於重返職場的職業生涯的看法,以及重返職場之就業歷程中協助之資源等焦點。由於,中途肢體障礙者在經歷重返職場的過程有其個別的差異與特殊情形,為深入瞭解中途肢體障礙者內在的主觀詮釋,因此本研究採用質化研究方法,以個別深度訪談的方式進行資料蒐集,讓研究參與者能表達自己的看法,訪談對象包括輕度、中度以及重度等不同障礙程度的中途肢體障礙者七位。 本研究主要發現包括: 一、重返職場的歷程受到個人與家庭狀態、職場環境友善程度、社會大眾的眼光 以及障礙適應情形所影響。 二、中途肢體障礙者認為重返職場為其帶來正面的個人價值感提升、家庭及社會上角色的轉變,珍惜現有工作,但在重返職場的過程也受到沒有尊嚴、職場不公平對待、就業機會受限,以及待業期長、經濟收入不穩定的現象,同時期許未來的職涯發展較具穩定和增加回饋性角色。 三、對於資源的使用經驗及資源扮演的功能: (一)非正式資源提供彈性、廣泛的,包括媒合就業資源、職務再設計、職業訓練,甚至是提供家庭照顧之職與經濟、交通等支持。 (二)正式資源提供就業機會、職業訓練、職務協商、職業災害補償。 (三)正式與非正式資源合作可以彌補政府或民間機構所提供的正式資源的僵化、科層官僚以及可近性低的問題,亦能增進非正式資源的網絡薄弱以及長期穩定性缺乏等議題。 基於上述研究發現,提出建議如下: 一、政策方面,建議透過反歧視法規的訂定與實施,促使身心障礙者的權利提倡更為積極與促進,使得身心障礙者受到尊嚴與享有平等權利的社會環境。 二、實務工作服務方面,職業重建系統中的服務提供人員訓練應加強、促進雇主對中途肢體障礙者的友善態度與接納、提升中途肢體障礙者正向的人際互動、職業選擇機會更多元、結合正式與非正式資源提供完整性的服務和強化就業資源訊息與連結。 三、未來研究方面,進一步探討障礙者遭遇歧視時的經驗與反應、雇主不支持障礙者重返職場的原因、就業服務人員服務中途肢體障礙者的角色以及探討福利提供單位對於中途肢體障礙者提供服務的過程與方法。


The purposes of the study are investigating: 1) the processes and experiences of returning to work of the persons with acquired physical disabilities; 2) determinants of the cycles of unemployment and returning to work of those persons and 3) perception and resources utilization while returning to work of those persons. The study was a qualitative research design which aimed to understand individual differences as well as subjective interpretation of persons with acquired physical disabilities during the processes of returning to work. Data was collected by interviewing seven participants with varieties degrees (mild, moderate and severe) of acquired physical disabilities. The main findings of the study included: 1. The processes of returning to work were influenced by individual and family characteristics, acceptance of occupational surroundings, public opinions as well as adaptation of disabilities. 2. Returning to work increased self-value of persons with acquired physical disabilities, and enhanced their social roles in family and society. However, the processes were hampered by low dignity, discrimination, limit of occupational chances as well as uncertain incomes. They expected to have more prospective career and involve in reciprocal roles. 3. Functions and utilizations of social resources: 1) To provide flexible and extensive resources which consisted of occupational training, occupational redesign, matched employment and support from family, finances as well as transportation. 2) To provide formal resources those comprised jobs offering, occupational training, obligation negotiation and reimbursement of occupational injuries. 3) Collaboration of formal and informal resources could compensate the stiffness, bureaucracy and low accessibility from the government sectors and also enhance networking and long-term stability of informal resources. Based on the study findings, further suggestions are as follows: 1. In policy-making, the enactment of anti-discrimination law is necessary to strengthen the right of the disabilities and thereby preserve their dignity through the establishment of supportive social environment. 2. In practical service issues, those include: enhancing training for workers who provide services for seeking occupations of the persons with acquired physical disabilities; measures to facilitate the acceptance and friendly attitude from the employers for employees and job-seekers with acquired physical disabilities; elevating positive interpersonal interactions of the persons with acquired physical disabilities; providing more jobs choices and collaborating formal and informal resources for comprehensive networking and services for returning to work. 3. For further researches, those include: further investigating the experiences and reaction of the persons with acquired physical disabilities arising from the discrimination; investigating the reasons which deter the employers to provide jobs for the persons with acquired physical disabilities; the active roles of service providers for persons with acquired physical disabilities and finally investigating the processes and methods designed for returning to work of the persons with acquired physical disabilities provided by the welfare-providing units.




翁菽蔚(2013)。實用技能學程學生學習歷程 及自我效能之發展〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613550760
