  • 學位論文


The Advocacy and Implementation of the Right to Play in Children's Social Service Agencies

指導教授 : 吳書昀


本研究之目的在於瞭解兒少福利服務機構的主管對遊戲權的看法,這些受訪者所服務之機構實踐或倡導遊戲權的策略為何,並進一步探究在實踐或倡導的過程中,遇到什麼樣的挑戰,而機構又是如何去因應這些挑戰。最後,根據研究發現提出相關建議,期望能藉此提供政府或民間單位可參考之依據。 本研究採用質性研究方法,與六位機構主管進行了半結構式的訪談。接著用「階層分析法」進行資料之分析。主要研究發現如下: 一、 對遊戲的解讀: 1. 遊戲的特徵:多數會使用器材、可以提供愉悅的感受、是兒童與生俱來之需求及遊戲可以培養兒童的能力。 2. 遊戲對兒童的功能:提升自信心及自我概念、建立良好的友伴及親子關係、提升兒童學習之動機。 3. 成人在兒童遊戲中扮演之角色分別是評估者及設計者。 二、 對遊戲權的詮釋: 1. 實踐遊戲權的前提條件有五項:時間、空間、自由選擇、安全及結合發展階段。 2. 遊戲權不被重視之原因:華人文化不重視遊戲、兒少機構將遊戲權相關服務往後排序,以及家長的態度隨兒少年紀而改變。 三、 機構實踐遊戲權的策略、挑戰及因應之道: 1. 實踐遊戲權的策略有五種:遊戲作為達成其他服務目標的手段、將遊戲權作為服務的主軸、在活動中讓兒少自主決定、機構成為遊戲權的代言人,及保障特殊需求兒少的遊戲權。 2. 實踐遊戲權所遇之挑戰及因應之道:在經費短缺的困境中拓展新的資源、從民眾缺乏認識到加強宣傳、從頭學習以解決繁瑣的公共工程、以各式方法提供服務的可近性、尋求與「重要人物」的合作提升法令位階,以及發現並解決家庭中的問題。 四、 機構倡導遊戲權的策略、挑戰及因應之道: 1. 倡導遊戲權的策略有六種:公佈研究調查結果、參與會議並表達意見、機構間結成聯盟、觀念的宣導、立法或行政遊說,以及在工作報告中呈現議題。 2. 倡導遊戲權所遇之挑戰及因應之道:在難以達成共識的會議中善用「列管追蹤」之機制、自行尋求外部資源補足員工缺少之培訓。另外為了應對兒少對自身權利掌握程度較低之挑戰,機構尋求知識程度較好之兒少,也增加員工帶領相關團體的知能。 基於上述研究發現,研究者提出了以下建議: 一、 實務層面:機構可以增加觀察兒童遊戲之時間,更全面的進利評估;在日常與家庭工作時,可以逐步影響家長對遊戲的看法;投注更多資源培養弱勢兒少成為代表,或是讓其他代表充分瞭解弱勢兒少所面臨之困境;將工作上的經驗做系統性之整理,將對遊戲、遊戲權的認識建構為可流傳的知識。 二、 政策層面:政府應重新檢視現有資源,活化現有館舍;重新檢視現行分配資源之條件,應仔細考量不同因素之影響;應落實推動遊戲權,同時也應鼓勵民間機構以不同形式推廣遊戲權。


遊戲 遊戲權 兒少福利機構


This study aimed to explore the views of supervisors of child and youth welfare agencies toward the right to play, and the strategies these agencies adopted to implement and advocate the right to play. The study further explored the challenges that the interviewees encountered while they implemented and advocated the right to play and how they worked to respond to those challenges. Finally, based on the research findings, related suggestions were proposed to serve as references for the government and non-profit organizations. This study adopted qualitative research and conducted semi-structural interviews with six interviewees. The interview data were analyzed using the Analytic Hierarchy method. Main research findings were shown below. I. Interpretation on play 4. The characteristics of play: Children often used equipment, and play could let them feel enjoyable. Play was also children’s inherent needs and could cultivate their competence. 5. The functions of play: Play was helpful to enhance children’s confidence and self-concept, establish positive friendship and parent-children relationship, and also reinforce children’s learning motivation. 6. The two main roles adults played in children’s games were evaluators and designers. II. Interpretation on the right to play 3. Time, space, free to choose, safety, and phases of development were the conditions to implement the right to play. 4. The reasons that the right to play had been neglected were proposed by the interviewees. These included that people of the Chinese culture did not regard play as an important task. The services of the right to play were not treated as the priority in children and youth’s agencies. Besides, parents’ attitudes would change according to the age of their own children. III. The tactics, challenges and coping strategies of the interviewees while they implemented the right to play in the agencies 3. The interviewees proposed five strategies to implement the right to play. These included using play to accomplish other service objectives and starting up the right to play as one of the key services. Children could make subjective decisions in their activities. Agencies became the endorsers of the right to play and also protected the right to play of children with special needs. 4. The challenges that agencies encountered when implementing the right to play included shortage of funds, people being unfamiliar with the services provided by agencies, the public constructions were complicated to solve, the traffic was not facilitated, the law was imperfect, and domestic problems. 5. Responses to these challenges: Agencies tried to expand new resources, make more advertising, learn the public constructions from the beginning, use different ways to enhance the accessibility of services, cooperate with legislators, and discover and solve those domestic problems. IV. The tactics, challenges and coping strategies of the interviewees when they advocated the right to play in the agencies 3. Six strategies to advocate the right to play were proposed by the interviewees. These included announcing research findings, participating in meetings and expressing their opinions, making alliance among agencies, promoting concepts on the right to play, lawmaking or administrative lobbying, and presenting new issues in work reports. 4. The challenges that these agencies faced while advocating the right to play were proposed, including that they couldn’t get consensus easily in meetings, workers didn’t have enough capability, and children lacked the right consciousness. 5. Responses to these challenges: Using the tracing mechanism of the meeting, finding external resources to enhance workers’ capabilities, and looking for more knowledgeable children to be the representatives in order to enhance the knowledge of the employees when guiding related groups. Based on the research findings, this research proposed the following suggestions: 1. In practices: Agencies could increase the playtime to observe children’s play and do more comprehensive evaluations. During the home visiting, workers could try to influence parents’ views on play. Agencies should also invest more resources to train those vulnerable children to become the representatives or allow other representatives to fully recognize what difficulties children met. Last, agencies may systematically organize the work experiences and construct spreadable knowledge of play and the right to play to promote them. 2. In policies: The government should review current resources and activate current buildings. The conditions of current resource distribution should be reviewed carefully as well. The government should also fully implement the right to play and encourage non-profit organizations to promote the right to play in different ways.


一、 中文部分
