  • 學位論文


A Study on Professional Career Barriers and Transition of Primary Female Principals:The Application on Critical Ethnography

指導教授 : 翁福元


論文摘要 本研究旨在探討國民小學女性校長職業生涯困境與轉折,應用批判俗民誌的觀點探討女性校長職業生涯面臨的困境及成因,同時透過訪談與對話了解女性校長面臨職業生涯困境時的因應策略及其成功之發展經驗,並藉由對話探討女性校長主體意識。本研究以四位女性校長為研究對象,資料蒐集方法為多次訪談、對話,並輔以文字資料,經分析歸納後,獲得以下結論: 參與本研究之女性校長只有一位女性校長能及早做好校長職業生涯規劃,其他三位女性校長或因家庭照護責任的牽絆,或因考量先生職業生涯發展,因而未能及早做好校長職業生涯規劃。由於父權意識型態影響,已婚女性校長需負擔大部份婚姻家庭的照護責任,扮演為人妻、為人媳、為人母等多重角色,因而減緩其校長職業生涯規劃時程。 受父權體制與社會傳統觀念影響,女性校長的家務工作量並不因當上校長而減少,女性校長依然擔負大部分的家事責任,扮演著多重角色,面臨多元角色衝突的困擾。女性校長在職業生涯發展方面如能獲得家人的支持與期許,職業生涯發展將更為順利。如果未能獲得家人的支持,在職業生涯發展會有較多的限制。 女性校長職場的困境主要有遴選委員的刻板觀點、學校同仁的偏見與組織成見。造成女性校長職場困境的成因在於學校組織成員受傳統性別刻板印象影響,認為女性校長不適合領導工作,加上教育行政領域長期由男性主導,習慣以男性思維看事情,對女性校長存有偏見。女性校長職業生涯中會有社區家長的疑惑、無法適應家長會的應酬文化與找不到家長會長的困窘,其原因在於傳統社會價值觀對女性的刻板印象、不同的性別角色期待、以及父權文化的影響。 雖然女性校長的職業生涯較男性校長多了生涯規劃、家事照護責任、學校同仁對女性校長領導能力的偏見、以及社區家長對女性校長辦學能力存疑等四個層面的困境。但是,在訪談中可以發覺女性校長秉持教育人的熱忱,就校長位置,積極了解學校現況,進行SWOTS分析,擬訂學校發展策略,從而溝通同仁教育理念,形塑學校願景,激發同仁潛能,張羅各項資源,致力學校發展。 對於女性校長主體意識,女性校長認為夫妻的職業生涯發展應該尊重個人,夫妻相互尊重,各盡本能,無需苛責女性的職業生涯發展要讓先生優先;家庭事務應是家庭成員共同分享,不應由女性負全責;學校經營方面,女性校長具「我就是校長」的主體意識,秉持教育理念,堅持把教育工作做好;在社會層面,女性校長體認績效是最好的公關,女性校長展現個人辦學風格,並積極轉化、提昇公共關係運作模式。


Abstract The purpose of this study is discussing on professional career barriers and transition of primary female principals, applying the viewpoint of Critical Ethnography to discuss how the professional career barriers occur and what the barriers are. Simultaneously, the study is finding out the strategies and the successful experiences of primary female principals through the interviews and conversations, and exploring the perception of primary female principals via the discussions. It takes four female principals as the objects of study, and gathers all the research by interviews, conversations and scripts. After analyzing and generalizing, the following conclusions are obtained: There is only one female principals who participates in this study can make a complete principal career plan earlier than the others who have to take responsibilities for taking care of their families or consider about their husbands’ career plans; therefore, they may not make it. According to the effect of the patriarchical ideology and traditional concepts, married female principals take major responsibilities in families. They play several roles as wives, daughters-in-law, mothers…and so on at the same time. Because of this reason, they could not make their career plans intensively. Female principals still have to take the main responsibilities of housework which does not recline after being principals, play multiple roles at the same time and surfer from the conflicts of those roles according to the influence of the patriarchical system and tradition conception. If they can get support from their families, their career plans will go with a hitch. On the other hand, if their families could not stand for them, they will have more restrictions in their career plans. The career predicaments of female principals are caused by the stubborn viewpoints of the appraising committee and the prejudice from the school colleagues and organization. The members who are influenced by the traditional gender stereotype in school consider that female principals disable to exercise leadership. Furthermore, men have leaded in the educational administration for a long time, and they used to think thing by their ways and have some kinds of prejudice against females. The professional career of female principals has to face the parents’ doubt in their community, may not get with the social engagements in Parent-Teacher Association or can not find a leader in Parent-Teacher Association. The reason why is because the stereotype of the traditional value to females, the expectation to different gender, and the influence of patriarchical culture. Although female principals have four perspective barriers which are professional career, the housework which they have to take care, the prejudice from the colleagues, and the doubt that female principals are not able to lead in education from the community more than males’; however, it is noticeable that female principals exclaim the enthusiasm in education, are active in understanding school situation as principals, make some strategies of school development by SWOTS, and then communicate with the colleagues in order to figure out the school visions, encourage their potential, arrange all the resources and devote in school development. According to the female principal subjectivity ideology, they consider that man and wife should respect individual professional career and each other, do they all can do and don’t only require wife to support husband, housework is showed by each member in the family and female should not take the whole responsibilities; in school perspective, they should have a subjectivity ideology which is “I am a principal.”, hold the concepts of education to make it persistently; in social perspective, they believe that the results are the best public relations. Female principals represent their own styles and transit or improve the public relations energetically.




Chen, A. Y. H. (2011). 大學女性校長之事業與家庭調適之心路歷程 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315262795
