  • 學位論文

非營利醫院護理人員職場幸福感與工作績效之分析 --以財團法人嘉義基督教醫院為例

Happiness and Performance among the Non-Profit Organization Hospital Nursing Staff--A Case Study on Chia-Yi Christian Hospital

指導教授 : 江大樹


每個人一生之中,無論是看醫求診、生育、手術、住院、健檢,還是去探望住院親友,都有接觸醫院護理人員的機會,特別是現代人壽命增加,醫療的需求更大。但是,由於醫院的護理人員,須輪值大小夜班、長期暴露在病毒細菌容易傳染的危險空間、整天面對患者痛苦的情緒、工作壓力大,以及薪資與歐美國家護理人員相較之下低很多…種種因素,造成普遍職場幸福感低落與離職率高,各個醫院護理人力缺乏的情況也日益嚴重。 如果能找出促進醫院護理人員職場幸福感的因素,藉由職場幸福感的提升,提高服務熱誠與服務態度,帶進<善的循環>,讓提供服務者與被服務的廣大民眾都更幸福,實是當前所需。但是國內的研究與論文極少有關於護理人員職場幸福感與工作績效的分析,所以更增強本研究計畫的研究動機。試想,如果能透過各種內在與外在激勵措施,有效提高其職場幸福感,進而提升工作品質與績效,可讓護理人員、病患及醫院管理人員獲得三贏的局面,應是每個人所樂見的結果。 本研究針對嘉義基督教醫院的護理人員進行問卷調查,共計發出330份問卷,回收291份有效問卷,回收率為88.18%,主要的研究發現如下: 1. 國內非營利醫院的護理人員,其職場幸福感與工作績效是正相關,也就是說職場幸福感越高其工作績效也越好,工作績效越好其職場幸福感也越高。 2. 影響護理人員職場幸福感的環境因素中,最重要的影響因素是薪資福利以及職場人際關係的和諧友善。 3. 影響護理人員工作績效的環境因素中,最重要的影響因素是薪資福利和工 作的內容。 4. 護理人員的婚姻狀況、年齡、學歷、擔任職務高低、年資以及是否有基督信仰(靈性層面),都是影響護理人員的職場幸福感與工作績效的重要個人因素。 5.國內非營利醫院護理人員期盼有更多關懷與意見溝通管道。 6.國內急需鼓勵以及招募更多男性加入護理工作。 最後依據研究發現,筆者針對非營利醫院以及政府主管機關,提出些許改進建議,作為提升護理人員職場幸福感之參考。


The increase life expectancy of modern people, almost everyone has the need to consult doctors in the hospital. However, the nursing staff members in the hospital are facing a tough situation.They have to work on graveyard shift, expose to high risk disease contagious environment. Besides, they have to deal with painful emotion from patients, and pressure from work. What’s worse, compare to western countries, their payment is much less. Their poor working happiness and high departure rate result in the lack of nursing staff in every hospital. It is vital for us to find out how to accelerate happiness from working, promote service quality, and bring a kindness boomerang. To make nursing staff and patients in the hospital feel satisfied is a crucial issue. But few papers analyze the relationships between working happiness and working performance, that’s why this study focus on the aspect. If we use both inner and outer methods to enhance the working happiness of the nursing staff, even make working performance better, then we can create a win-win state among nursing staff, patients, and supervisors. The research conduct questionnaires among nursing staffs in Chai-yi Christian Hospital. 330 questionnaires had been distributed, and 291 of them were valid, which means the retrieval rate is 88.18%. The following conclusions were based on the result of the survey: 1.The working happiness among nursing staffs of Non-profit hospitals are related to their working performance, which means the happier they are when working, the more effective they can work. 2.The most important environmental factor affects working happiness is salary and welfare. 3.The most important environmental factor affects working performance is salary and the nursing work contect. 4.Marriage,age,educational background,position,seniority and Christianity is important personal factors effect the working happiness and performance among nursing staff. 5.Domestic non-profit hospital nursing staffs are looking forward to receiving more care and having ways to communicate their comments. 6.There is critical need to encourage and recruit more male staffs to join nrsing work. Based on the final results, the study suggested to research institutions, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, the methods to promote working happiness for nursing staff.


一、 中文部分
