  • 學位論文

地方政府推動地區行銷之策略規劃研究 -以那瑪夏區農特產行銷為例

Tactics planning study of local government to promote regional marketing一In Namasia district agriculture product maketing as an example

指導教授 : 林吉郎


由於八八風災的重創原住民地區,讓政府與民間開始重視原住民地區的多項政策規劃,但是當多數人還在認為原住民好吃懶做的同時,筆者以本身服務於原住民鄉二十多年的經驗,與目前居住於原住民鄉的感受,實際情形並不是平地人所想像,原住民多數的人一樣是自食其力的,希望自己種植的農特產品,可以獲得大家的喜愛,然後賣出去。 研究結果發現如下: (一)山上農產豐富,但缺少銷售管道,僅能透過甲仙農會收購(二)農產品無法長期放置,需有加工過程,變成可保存物品 (三)山上道路遇雨季就崩壞,農產品收成後無法送出 基於上述研究發現,本研究提出建議如下: (一)那瑪夏區公所官網上與高雄市原民會上須提供不同季節產品的最新消息。(二)從現有的農產品中,開發出不同的功能產品。(三)在符合的季節,例如梅子產季、水蜜桃產季,可以舉辦相關的參觀活動。(四)合理利用原住民保留地,協助產銷班建立作物栽培科技設施,如設置簡易溫室及塑膠布網室,水平棚架網室,噴滴灌設施及引水灌溉設備,改善農園生產設備與設施,舒緩原住民資金缺乏設施不足之窘境,以提昇生產效率、降低產銷成本。 如此一來,就可以創造政府與原住民雙贏的情形。


農特產品 行銷策略


Because Typhoon Morakot damaged heavily the autonomous regions for Taiwan indigenous peoples, the government then began looking into the policies and planning on the autonomous regions for Taiwan indigenous peoples. Most people still think that the aboriginal people are gluttonous and lazy but the author who has been working for and with the aboriginal people for more than 20 years does not think so. The aboriginal people are diligent and hard working people who want to sell the agricultural products they grow. The findings of this study are as follows: 1.The agricultural products on the mountains are bountiful and have many varieties but because they lack the channels of distribution, they can only be bought by and distributed through Jiaxian District Farmers’ Association. 2.The agricultural products cannot last for a long time. They need to be processed in order to be kept. 3.Landslides often happen during the raining season or the monsoon season so there is no way for the agricultural products to be sold. Based on the findings above, this study comes up with the following suggestions: 1.The websites of Namaxia District and the Indigenous People Affairs Commission, Kaohsiung City should provide the most recent news on the different agricultural products of different seasons. 2.There is the need to develop different functions of agricultural products from the existing agricultural products. 3.There can be different open houses on different kinds of fruit. For examples, there can be open houses on plums during plum season and the juicy peaches during juicy peach season. 4.Reasonable utilization of the lands reserved for aboriginal people to help the agricultural production and marketing teams. For examples, to set up the simple greenhouses, PE greenhouses, and the low cost smart drip irrigation systems to improve the farming facilities to improve the productivity and reduce the cost. Therefore, both the government and the aboriginal people can be benefitted so to have the win-win situation.


空間為例,1997 休閒、遊憩、觀光研究成果研討會-休閒觀光事
2.世界經理文摘,「新的行銷研究方式」,第146 期:99-104。
