  • 學位論文


Experience and Image of Home:Adolescents in a Residential Organization

指導教授 : 吳書昀


本研究之目的是要瞭解安置少年,在不同形式的家生活後,其對於原生家與學園家的軟硬體生活經驗感受,且在歷經不同家經驗後,安置少年對於理想家的期待與圖像。除此之外,在根據研究過程中的分析與結果,提出對於原生家與學園家在家功能之實踐上的實務與政策建議,藉此期待原生家與安置機構能發揮家應有的功能,以滿足安置少年對家的期待。 本研究採質化研究,並運用圖畫與深度訪談的相互搭配,來蒐集研究資料。再者,在研究對象的選取上,主要選擇四位年紀在十二歲至十八歲的少年,且居住於安置機構達半年以上者。 在訪談四位受訪者對於家的經驗與圖像的研究中,主要得知其原生家的經驗、學園家的經驗與其對家的期待與想望,研究結果與發現如下: 一、安置少年之原生家的生活經驗,包括對家中空間設備安排的滿意度與家中主要照顧者、祖父母、兄弟姊妹與其他親人的關係。 二、面對非預期的初到安置機構生活,在少年的內心產生兩極化的情感,有人感到興奮,有人感到害怕。 三、安置少年之學園家的生活經驗,包括對學園硬體空間提供的滿意度,與在學園中,跟工作人員與學員的關係。 四、不同家的生活經驗,會使安置少年比較其中的優劣,進而對自己的理想家產生影響。 五、在歷經過原生家與學園家的生活後,安置少年對於家的期待與想望,主要有三方面,其中包括對父母親或家人、對自己角色與對空間設備的期待與想望。 基於上述的研究結果與發現,針對家的功能發揮,提出以下之實務與政策建議: 一、實務建議:面對現今多元家庭型態的出現,除了必須加強宣導親職教育的重要性外,更必須積極的開辦多元形態的親職教育團體,以提升家功能;面對弱勢家庭,應該抱持著「以家庭為中心」的觀點,來提供全面、完整的福利服務;以生態觀點來檢視安置少年對於家功能的期待與想望;安置機構對於少年的照顧應該兼具普遍的例行性照顧與特別需求少年的特殊性照顧;一致化的安置生活管理,有助於少年適應生活;讓少年參與生活管理,增加其自主的能力與隱私。 二、政策建議:相關法規在規劃親職教育面,更應該具預防性與積極性;安置機構之家的規劃,應該跳脫小家庭的管理,朝向大家庭化的理念來設計大家庭的照顧;確實落實社區化的轉向安置輔導,不僅居住於社區,更有機會參與社區,與社區建立良好情感。


Purpose:The aim of this study was to explore the lived experience of adolescents placed in out-of-home care regarding their original home and residential home, and to better understand their expectation and visualization of an ideal home-like setting Anumber of recommendations based on th findings were envisaged to be used by all levels of government, health organizations, owners of such facilities and related organizations for the purpose of program analysis, policy development, planning and research. Methods:This study used a qualitative approach accompanied by in-depth interviews combined with visual aides to elicit participants’ perceptions and experience.. A targeted sample of 4 teens between the ages of 12 and 18 was interviewed. The participants were recruited from a residential home where, by the time of interview, they had had extended lengths of stay for at least 6 months. Results:After thematic analysis of transcription of in-depth interviews and visuals, we acquired a better picture of the youths’ expectation and visualization of an ideal home in relation to their lived experience—either in their original home or in their residential home—the following five themes emerged from the study: 1.Commenting on levels of satisfaction with their original home , our teens’ fond memory dwelled especially on interior settings and relationship with main caregivers, grandparents, siblings, and other kinship. 2.Youth who experienced difficult transition before moving on to a safe and appropriate out-of-home placements went throughsignificant emotional disturbances, and expressed a personal, polarized, and biased perspective—some displayed excitement, while others were frightened. 3.Commenting on levels of satisfaction with their residential home, our teens’ highlighted areas centered especially on relationship with direct care workers and home-like setting such as living rooms, bedrooms, and a large family kitchen. 4.Youth who experienced out-of-home care tended to modify their expectation and visualization of an ideal home accordingly. 5.Our teens’ expectation and visualization of an ideal home focused on 3 themes: 1) role models such as parents; 2) in search of self-identity; 3) spatial arrangements of home-like settings. Conclusion:This study revealed many helpful findings. Recommendations based on our findings are as follows: 1.In practice, to cope with society of growing number of multi-value families, youth residential care programs should display the following characteristics: 1) Family involvement, supervision and support by caring adults; 2) A skill-focused curriculum, service coordination, and development of individual plans; 3) Positive peer influence, building self-esteem, and family-like atmosphere; 4) Planning and support for post-program life. 2.On the part policy-makers, it is highly desirable if parental guides such as family involvement, supervision and support could be enhanced and optimized by relevant laws and regulations in order to include families and communities in the youth residential care programs. Hopefully, such actions will lead to a policy shift from institution-based services to a family-centered community system of care. Ideally, such programs serve to remove adolescents from the home setting, and place them in a structured, supervised, educational environment, so as to serve as transitional programs for adolescents graduating into "real world" environments while entertaining excellent relationship with the community of which they are a part.


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