  • 學位論文


The Partnership between an Non-profit Organization and Profit-Agencies:A Case Study of The TFCF Miaoli Hope Garden

指導教授 : 吳書昀


本研究主要在探究NPO與企業的夥伴關係形塑之歷程,特別聚焦於NPO與企業合作的考量,合作過程中的困難與因應方式,以及影響及雙方夥伴關係形成的各種因素。本研究之具體目的如下:1.探討NPO與企業雙方合作的動機與企圖,藉以分析企業與NPO夥伴關係形塑的歷程。2.探討NPO與企業合作過程中的困難與因應方式,並歸納影響雙方夥伴關係形成的各種因素。3.歸納整理NPO與企業合作經驗與模式,提供NPO未來與企業發展夥伴關係時,形成最適運作策略之參考。 基於研究目的,本研究採個案研究法進行,除運用深度訪談蒐集初級資料外,亦蒐集次級資料加以輔助詮釋。研究的結論初步歸納為四個: 1.夥伴協力的歷程是一動態互動過程2.夥伴協力關係的治理議題:協力前彼此溝通瞭解合作目的與任務、夥伴類型因合作而轉變、人員異動影響協力之治理3.促進良好夥伴關係形成的因子:共享理解的產生、風險管理的共識、教學相長、培養核心人物及員工培力 4. 關鍵人物亦是夥伴關係成功的關鍵因素。 最後建議NPO未來與企業合作時,可以考慮以加盟超商的社會企業類型為合作模式,並培力穩定的店舖核心人物,針對關鍵人物需有良好的溝通與傳承。


The research aims to explore the establishment of the partnership between Non-profit organization (NPO) and profit-agencies, especially the consideration of collaboration, the difficulties and coping strategies during collaboration, and factors that influenced partnership. Three main purposes of the research are as follow. First, discussing the motivation and purposes of collaboration and partnership for progress analysis. Second, conferring the collaborating factors from difficulties and coping strategies. Third, summarizing the experience and pattern of the collaboration between NPO and profit-agencies,in order to provide valuable suggestions for managing and working patterns. Based on the purposes of case study research, the primary data was collected from in-depth interviews; the secondary data was used to assist additional interpretations. The main findings could be presented as four parts: firstly, the collaboration progress is known as the interaction between NPO and profit-agencies. Secondly, the governance issue of collaborating management consists of communicating and understanding the goal and mission before collaborating; the modifications on various characteristics of partners; the governance of influence on collaboration due to the personnel changes Thirdly, the improved factors of pleasant partnership include the formation of understanding, the common consensus of risk management, progressive learning from each other, the cultivation of core person and empowering employees. Last, the key staffs could be one of the main reasons for the successful partnership. Finally, the suggestion has been made for the future consideration on collaborating with the franchised convenience stores as social enterprise. Furthermore, it is necessary to empower those core persons, especially establish the harmonious and stable long-term relationship between the key staffs and NPO for communicating and inheritance of experiences in the future.


