  • 學位論文


A Study of Beginning Elementary School Principals on Solving Dilemma Problems

指導教授 : 楊振昇


論文名稱:國小初任校長處理兩難困境問題之研究 校院系:國立暨南國際大學教育學院教育政策與行政學系 頁數:278 畢業時間:101年7月 學位別:博士 研究生:梅文慧 指導教授:楊振昇博士 本研究旨在探討國小初任校長面臨兩難困境問題時對情境的理解、處理原則與策略及其倫理面向、對於利害關係採取之補償策略及其倫理面向,以及受訪校長個人省思與對其他校長的建議,最後提出對於初任校長、校長培訓機構、教育主管機關及未來研究的建議。 本研究透過訪談十五位國小初任校長處理兩難困境問題的經驗,得出以下結果: 一、國小初任校長對兩難困境問題的情境理解: (一)問題種類以不適任教師問題最多,其次是危機事件處理;兩難所在最多的是「個人與團體兼顧的兩難」,其次是「立場與職責衝突的兩難」;倫理面向的兩難情形最多的是「效益倫理與正義倫理」的兩難及「正義倫理與批判倫理」的兩難,其次是「效益倫理與批判倫理」的兩難。 (二)兩難困境問題在各校有很高的共通性,且大都與人有關;問題的產生原因主要來自法令限制、上級單位要求、各利害關係人間的立場或權益產生衝突所導致;問題情境理解主要考量校務運作及問題未來發展;並關注利害關係人之立場、表現與需求。 二、國小初任校長對兩難困境問題的處理原則與策略及其倫理面向: (一)處理兩難困境問題的原則包括:公共利益原則、依法行政原則、民主程序原則、公平正義原則、關懷尊重原則與忠誠信賴原則;各倫理面向的應用在此是統合運用的。 (二)處理兩難困境問題的策略主要為:維持學校生存及辦學績效、評估問題發展以預備方案、依法行政、民主程序、教育立場的考量與實踐、依據當事人的表現決定處理策略、展現校長的堅持與力量、營造校園和諧氣氛與團隊力量、從經驗中學習以提昇領導力量、了解問題處理結果並持續觀察問題發展。處理兩難困境問題時的策略以效益、正義及關懷倫理面向為主。 三、國小初任校長對兩難困境問題的補償策略及其倫理面向: (一)利害關係人受傷害的原因主要有外部、內部環境與個人因素。 (二)利害關係人在兩難困境問題中受傷害的性質主要為公共利益與個人權益。 (三)補償策略包括增進公共利益、補償個人權益損失及情感激勵,關懷支持。 (四)補償策略多起於正義與關懷的觀點。 四、國小初任校長對兩難困境問題的省思與對其他校長的建議及其倫理面向: (一)省思部分為:培養對環境的敏感度,了解問題脈絡;公共利益優先;加強危機事件處理能力;依法行政;教育立場考量;民主程序;對人關懷尊重;由經驗提升領導能力。 (二)建議部分:追求最佳處理效益;依法行政;教育立場的堅持;積極的態度與審慎的過程;重視個人修為,建立和諧的人際關係。 (三)正義倫理面向是大多數受訪校長在處理兩難困境問題時的核心價值。


Title of Dissertation:A Study of Beginning Elementary School Principals on Solving Dilemma Problems Name of Institute:Department of Educational Policy and Administration, College of Education, National Chi Nan University Pages:278 Graduation Time:07/2012 Degree Conferred:Doctor of Education Student Name:Wen-Hui Mei Advisor Name:Chen-Sheng Yang, EdD Abstract: This dissertation explored how well the beginning elementary school principals solved dilemma problems. This dissertation focused on understanding, principles, solving strategies, compensation strategies, and ethical dimensions of beginning elementary school principals. This dissertation also collected beginning principals’ personal reflections and recommendations for other principals. In the last chapter of this dissertation, future recommendations for beginning principals, principal training institutes, educational administration organizations were discussed. This research interviewed fifteen beginning elementary school principals and collected their experiences of solving dilemma problems in their schools. This research concluded the following research findings. 1. Beginning elementary school principals’ contextual understanding of dilemma problems (1) The highest frequency problem was unsuitable teachers in schools, and the second one was occasional crisis events. In terms of the ranking of dilemma problems, the highest factor was “the balance of politics between individual and school community,” the second was “the balance between individual personal philosophy and administrative responsibility.” The ethical dimensions of school dilemma included “the balance between efficiency and justice,” “the balance between justice and critique,” and “the balance between efficiency and critique.” (2) This research found out the dilemma problems could be found in various schools and happen in a very similar way. Most of the problems were relating with human beings in schools. The main causal factors of these problems included the limitations of law, requests from upper levels of administration, and the tension among stakeholders. In terms of understanding problem contexts, principals had to consider school administrative process and future development of the problems. Principals also had to consider stakeholders’ standpoints and needs. 2. Principles, solving strategies, and ethical dimensions of beginning elementary school principals when they faced dilemma problems (1) The principles of solving dilemma problems included: public benefits, law-based administrations, democratic process, equity and justice, caring and respect, and loyalty and trust. All ethical factors must be applied interracially. (2) The strategies of solving dilemma problems included: enhancing accountability of schools, evaluating problem development, law-based administrations, democratic process, educational philosophy, centered practice, strategic approaches according to stakeholders’ reaction, expressing principals’ persistence, peaceful atmosphere and team work, learning from experiences, understanding and observing problem development. 3. Compensation strategies and the ethical dimensions of beginning elementary school principals when they faced dilemma problems (1) The reasons why stakeholders would feel harmed included outside environment, inner environment, and individual factors. (2) The harmful characteristics of stakeholders included public benefits and individual rights. (3) Compensation strategies included promoting public benefits, compensate individual loss, emotional encourage and support. (4) Compensation strategies were starting from justice ethics and care ethics. 4. Reflections and recommendations from beginning elementary school principals when they faced dilemma problems (1)Reflections included: cultivating sensitivity on environment and trying to understand contextual knowledge of problems, putting public benefits on the first priority, enhancing abilities of dealing with school crisis, doing administration based on laws, considering problems based on education ideals, democratic process, caring and respecting personnel, learning from experiences and enhancing personal leadership. (2)Recommendations included: pursuing highest efficiency, administration based on laws, persisting on educational standpoints, active attitude and considerate process, emphasizing personal confidence, building peaceful relationships between personnel on campus. (3)Justice ethics was core value when solving dilemma problems in schools.


王文科、王智弘(譯)(2002)。質的研究-概念分析(原作者:J. H. McMillan & S. Sumacher )。臺北市:師大書苑。(原著出版年:2001)


