  • 學位論文


The Analysis on Disadvantage of Indonesian Foreign Spouses

指導教授 : 詹宜璋


現今討論外籍配偶生活適應問題文獻已累積一定數量,但討論外籍配偶弱勢累積的文獻較少,因此本研究除了想要瞭解印尼外籍配偶所共同面臨之不利地位與弱勢困境暨其形成脈絡外,更期待進一步探討這些困境間之相互影響與累積現象,以及外籍配偶如何展現優勢/力量以克服困境等議題。本研究採質性研究方法,立意取樣十名印尼籍外籍配偶,藉由訪談方式蒐集資料,以架構分析法進行分析。主要研究發現歸納如下: 一、雖然大部分外籍配偶都存在經濟自主性不足之經濟性弱勢,所幸其所面對之政治性弱勢隨著近年來相關政策之放寬而減低;而多數外籍配偶最難迴避的則是社會性弱勢,因民眾普遍對於東南亞國家的刻板印象偏見以及媒體對於外籍配偶的負面報導,易形成夫家對外配的不信任心態與不合理行動控制。 二、研究對象中,屬於移工轉外籍配偶者均屬印尼籍、娘家經濟較弱,多信仰依斯蘭教;而介紹婚姻之外籍配偶多為華裔、娘家經濟較佳、信仰基督、佛教為主。然二者所面臨弱勢型態大致類同,且在台生活皆會受刻板印象、歧視等社會性弱勢所影響。 三、外籍配偶並非皆會面臨政治、經濟、社會三種弱勢,但陷入某種弱勢處境後易於導致另一種弱勢,且不同弱勢會加乘相互影響,使得外籍配偶生活更加艱辛。然而本研究雖然觀察到外籍配偶在弱勢困境上之相互影響效果,但弱勢是否隨時間而展現、累積、惡化趨勢則較不明顯。 四、在面對弱勢困境之因應,本研究對象展現出生命的韌性與獨立精神,堅強照顧家庭;相對於選擇逃離或抵抗不公平的外籍配偶之反抗姿態,本研究受訪外籍配偶所呈現的是配合、融入的順服形象。


印尼籍 外籍配偶 弱勢累積


While literature on life adaption of foreign spouses is plentiful, studies on disadvantage accumulation occur among them are rather scarce. In addition to studying the disadvantaged position of Indonesian foreign spouses and the development of the situation, this paper intends to further investigate the cumulative effect between economic, political and social disadvantages foreign spouses face, and how they show strength in adversity. The research adopted qualitative methodology and recruited participants through purposeful sampling, selecting ten Indonesian foreign spouses in Taiwan from Indonesia. Data were collected through interviews and analyzed using framework analysis. The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows: First, while most foreign spouses still suffer from economic vulnerabilities of being financially dependant, political disadvantages have improved over the recent years with further relaxation of related policies. On the other hand, social disadvantage is the hardest to avoid for foreign spouses due to biased public impression of South-eastern countries and negative reports on relevant issues, which tend to put foreign wives under distrust and unreasonable controls in husbands’ families. Second, the participants can be divided into two groups: those who used to work as foreign workers and those who were introduced via marriage agencies. The former, most of whom Muslims, are invariably Indonesians from lower-income background, while the later are mostly Asian Indonesians with relatively high family economic status who believe in Christianity or Buddhism. Both groups experience a similar disadvantaged situation and fall victims to social disadvantages such as stereotypes and discriminations in Taiwanese society. Third, although economic, political, and social disadvantage are not necessarily bonded, one disadvantage can strengthen another and further compound challenges for foreign spouses. In other words, when foreign spouses encounter one disadvantaged situation, they become highly susceptible to another. However, while the study indicates the mutual influences of each disadvantage on another, it does not show if the cumulative effect continue to deteriorate over time. Fourth, none of the interviewees in this study make a defiant stand as those who choose to escape or fight back against the unfairness; instead, they show resilience and independence in the face of difficulties, bravely taking care of their families and displaying a docile, obedient attitude.




