  • 學位論文


The Juvenile Delinquents' Life Experience after They Finishing Residential Community Treatment: The Case of Recidivists

指導教授 : 王珮玲


研究目的: 1.了解安置輔導結案後再犯少年的生活經驗為何 2.了解安置輔導結案後再犯少年的觸法情形與詮釋為何。 研究結果: 1.結案後生活經驗: 家庭既存的問題未必獲得解決與改善,家庭未能提供少年維生所需的資源、精神上的滿足亦相當缺乏,少年於是轉而向外謀取資源,同儕成為少年滿足需求最主要的管道,如為個人提供維生、精神、資訊與人力方面的資源。而失學與失業的處境仍是少年結案後常見的處境,而這樣的處境使少年落入空窗期,也易於此段期間陷入觸法的危機。 此外,少年安置結案後雖有再犯的行為表現,但不可否認部分少年仍能從安置經驗中有所收穫,其經驗包括個人的脾氣有所改善、學會尊重他人,另外,個人與安置期間師長的正向關係也在結案後轉為非正式支持而成為個人社會資本的一部分。 自少年結案後社會資源使用的情況亦可發現,在司法系統上,少年部分能夠採取配合的姿態,部分少年則未出席保護管束而使自己落入警方協尋的處境;在社會福利服務上可見後追社工電話聯繫關心,但未見實質資源的連結,另外亦可自少年的經驗了解到,信任關係建立不易,而工作者長期關係的經營以及握有權力但寬容的對待能帶給少年正面的經驗。 2.再犯經驗: 自少年安置結案後的生活經驗中可了解個人再次觸法的脈絡。其一、人格特質;其二、社區環境影響;其三、生活失去常軌(失學失業);其四、外控與內控的力量流失;其五、感受到經濟上的壓力或受到金錢的誘惑,最後,個人受過去觸法經驗所影響而難以回頭。 而個人的觸法動機分為以下五種目的,其一是維持生活所需,其二是滿足好奇、好玩的心理,其三是期待同儕認同,其四是彌補受傷的自尊,最後是對金錢、地位的追求。研究者認為少年的需求與一般守法者無異,但個人缺乏資源與選擇的處境使個人以犯罪的手段來滿足個人的需求與欲求。 此外,亦可由少年觸法的經驗與詮釋中發現,個人透過以下四種態度使個人合理化犯罪的行為,並使個人遠離良心的譴責。其一、否認個人的責任;其二、習慣成自然;其三、宿命論;其四、反映個人價值-絕對的強悍與自主


Research Purpose: 1. To discover the juvenile recidivists’ life experience after they finish residential community treatment; 2. To discover the juvenile recidivists’ crime and reasons after they finish residential community treatment. Research Results: 1. The life experience after finishing residential community treatment: When the existing family problems are not resolved or improved, the basic needs are not being provided by the family, or the spiritual satisfactions are lacking, the juvenile delinquents, after finishing residential community treatment, often turn to find help from peers for living needs, spiritual needs, information, and manpower. Dropping out of school and unemployment are very common situations of these juveniles. When the situation happens, a juvenile falls into the crisis of committing crime again. Even though some juvenile delinquents commit crime again after finishing residential community treatment, others learn from the residential community treatment; they improve their temper, learn to respect others, and their positive relationship with the teachers also become an informal support when they go back to society. From the use of social resources for the juvenile delinquents finishing residential community treatment, it is found that most of them follow the requirements of the judicial system. However, some of them do not attend protective custody, which is required by law, and causes the police to search for them. As to the social welfare services, the social workers do contact them for care by phone, but there is no real resources linked to it. Also, according to experiences, it is not easy to build a trust relationship with these juveniles; only the workers, with powers on these juveniles, who are willing to manage a long-term relationship with them and treat them with tolerance, will bring them positive experiences. 2. The recidivists’ experience: The following factors are found in the juvenile delinquents with residential community treatment that causes them to commit crime again: 1) personality traits; 2) environmental influence; 3) losing normal life (school dropout or unemployment); 4) loss of external and internal controlling powers; 5) financial pressure or monetary temptation; 6) past criminal experience. There are five criminal motivations: 1) to maintain the needs for living; 2) to satisfy the curiousness for fun; 3) expectation to be recognized by peers; 4) compensation for the hurt of self-esteem; 5) pursuit of money and position. The researcher believes that the needs of these juveniles are the same as the general law-abiding people; however, they choose to commit crime to satisfy their needs when facing the circumstances of lacking resources and choices. Also, it is found among the juvenile delinquents that they often have the following attitudes for giving excuses to their criminal behavior and staying away from guilty consciences: 1) denying it is their personal responsibility; 2) it is their habits; 3) fatalism; 4) reflecting their personal values of absolute toughness and independence.




