  • 學位論文


“Out-of-home” placement ? Arrangements and supports of kinship care for the aboriginal children in the tribes : A study focuses on a Bunun family

指導教授 : 詹宜璋


本研究探討原鄉親屬安置兒少和親屬照顧家庭在照顧安排的經驗歷程、照顧型態與兒少生活的轉變、其使用相關資源與照顧合作情形,並探索兒少與親屬照顧者對「家」的經驗與認知。本研究以一個南投原鄉的布農家庭進行個案研究,並以深度訪談、參與觀察及結合兒少相關服務的方式進行資料收集。主要研究結論如下:   國家介入兒少照顧安置的結果與親屬照顧安置服務為親屬家庭所接受,因社工將兒少安置在部落親屬家庭的處遇符合其原本的期待,而且在原生母親反對下,國家仍以公權力賦與及確保親屬家庭保護教養兒少的合法性和正當性,此外,安置資源與服務的提供則被視為對親屬照顧兒少的實質協助。依親屬家庭的看法,傳統布農族人有其認定兒少照顧義務優先順位的考量,現今實質的情感與關係因素也有重要影響。兒少對重要他人的認定並非陝隘的以父母或親屬為限。此皆與主流社會或公部門對親屬或親屬安置照顧者的界定有所差異。   親屬家庭為兒少安置後的生活與發展提供穩定的基礎,以主要照顧家庭為核心所連結與擴展在家族與部落中的支持及公部門的資源,則為照顧兒少的需要形成合作網絡。兒少與部落中一些關心他們的家庭關係親近,這些家庭提供部分一般由核心家庭所行使的照顧功能與情感分享,使兒少在部落中的生活像是許多家的孩子。   兒少雖經移置,但仍生活在鄰近的同族部落群。兒少留在更大範圍的「家」-熟悉的家族、部落與族群脈絡當中,而相近的生活經驗與延續的社會關係有利於他們對安置後生活的適應。兒少認為現在的親屬家庭是他們的家,對親屬照顧者有情感依附關係,他們也期待未來可以和父母重聚。從親屬家庭、兒少與其原生家庭在同一個家族的脈絡下來理解,照顧者在親屬身份的定位上,於現階段補充原生家庭對兒少照顧功能的缺乏與不足,並非要取代父母的地位,而在兒少可能返回原生家庭之前有長期照顧他們的承諾。   除此之外,親屬照顧者也自然的在兒少與其他親屬的關係上作連結與維繫,包含兒少與原生父母之間。兒少與父母有聯繫和見面的意願和行動,關切親情維繫的親屬家庭以正向的態度看待這樣的互動,但在與國家合作照顧的角色上,則必須配合社工基於兒少安全及飲酒的母親可能帶來不良影響的反對意見。親屬家庭為此調整作法,在孩子與母親一起外出上更加謹慎甚至拒絕,即使過去親屬對於孩子安全的評估看法和社工是有差異的。


The study focuses on kinship care for the aboriginal children in the tribes. The purpose of this study is to understand the experience at care placement of kinship care family and children, care pattern and transitions of children after placing, how they use resources, and to explore the experience at “home” and “family” of kinship carers and children. A Bunun family in Nantou County was taken as a case study. In-depth interview and participant observation were adopted, and a service program for children related to the study was also one of methods in collecting data. The main findings are as follows: Placement intervention of the state and kinship care service are accepted by kinship care family ,because placing the children at kinship family in the tribes measure up to their expectation. Besides,the state grants kinship care family guardianship. Even though children’ alcoholic mother opposed. In addition, placement resources and sevice provided were regarded as real assistance to care for the children. In kinship care family’s opinion, modern Bunun families take traditional thoughts and actual relationships both into account on care placement for the children needed. The children’s cognition of significant others aren’t limited within parents and relatives. Their standpoints of definition of kinship carer are different from the mainstream society or the public sector. Kinship care family provides stable base for the living and development of the children in placement. Regarding major care family as the core, the major care family connects and extends supports from extended family and the tribes that shapes a cooperative network for caring the children. Despite of the fact that the children moved from original home to residential home, they still live in near Bunun tribes. Children stay in similar extended family, the tribes and ethnicity such as to stay “home”, which meaning is more broader. The similar living experience and lasing social relationship contribute to adapting to new environments well. At present, the children view residential home as their home, and they also hope for reunion with parents in the future. In the understanding of the context that kinship care family, the children and their original family are all in the same extended family, the kinship carers in a position of a relative to supply the deficiency of original family's function at the present stage. And they are willing to care for the children before reunion with their parents. In addition, the kinship carers play a part in linking and keeping the relationships between the children and the relatives naturally, including their parents. The children and their mother all have desire and action to keep in touch with each other. Kinship family looks positively upon their interactions, but social workers oppose on account of possible risks and negative influence on the children. In different roles’ expectation, the issue about children and mother’s meeting is still a challenge. As for the kinship family, they also express their concern and keep on communicating with social worker to find the more appropriate way for children and mother’s meeting.


王應棠 (2000)。家的認同與意義重建:魯凱族好茶的案例。應用心理研究,8:149-169。
台灣世界展望會編(2011)。足跡:World Vision 60 years in Taiwan。臺北市:台灣世界展望會。
