  • 學位論文


A Study on Training and Development Process of Small and Medium Enterprises

指導教授 : 吳明烈


本研究以近十年通過「人才發展品質管理系統」(TTQS)評核及榮獲家人力創新獎之八家中小企業為個案研究對象,探討中小企業導入訓練發展歷程,本研究採質化深度訪談的方式進行,並輔以半結構式的訪談大綱來蒐集本研究所需的資料。訪談對象以人力資源主管及訓練承辦人員為主,共計八位。透過訪談了解八家受訪的中小企業導入訓練發展的動機、策略、所面臨之困境及因應方式,最後再探討對個人職涯及企業組織影響,進行研究結果的討論。根據研究發現,歸納出結論如下: 一、中小企業投入訓練發展動機涵蓋外在環境、內部組織、員工績效三個面向來探討,共13項動機,其中以培育組織所需要的人才動機最為強烈。 二、中小企業投入訓練發展策略,涵蓋導入TTQS訓練品質評核系統、建立職能系統、打造學習型組織、成立知識管理平台、新進員工教育訓練、員工在職訓練、第二專長培養、幹部培訓制度等因素。 三、中小企業投入訓練發展面臨困境,涵蓋了組織資源不足及資料不完整、缺乏整體訓練系統性思考導致訓後成效不明確及訓練內容非公司所需、承辦人手不足或專業不夠、無法落實教育訓練執行計畫、講師培育不易等因素。 四、中小企業投入訓練發展面臨困境之因應策略,涵蓋了主管的支持及建立其人才培育觀念、全盤的訓練規劃並持續改善、尋求外部資源協助、標竿典範學習、建立內部講師培訓制度、訓練績效與升遷獎勵連結等因素。 五、中小企業投入訓練發展對員工職涯規劃影響,涵蓋了提升自主學習動機及自我成長、多元職涯發展管道、縮短職場適應期、績效提升帶來升遷或加薪機會、累積人脈資源等因素。 六、中小企業投入訓練發展對企業組織的影響,以「平衡計分卡」四大構面財務、顧客、企業內部流程、學習與成長來分析,涵蓋20項影響,以企業營收成長及企業形象提升最為強烈。 最後,本研究根據上述研究結果,針對未來想導入訓練發展之中小企業、人力資源從業人員與後續研究提出具體可行之建議。


In this study, case study was based on eight SMEs that passed "Talent Development Quality Management System" (TTQS) assessment and the Innovation Award of the human family nearly one decade, Investigate the SMEs training and development Import process, this study adopt in qualitative depth interviews manner, and Supplemented by semi-structured interviews with the outline of the present study to collect the required information. Interviewees mainly included human resources leader and trained personnel, a total of eight. Through interviews with eight SMEs, we understand the motivation to import training development strategy, and in response to the faced difficulties. Finally, we explore personal career and organizational influence, to discuss the result of research findings. Based on the findings, we summarize the conclusions as follows: 1.The motivation of SMEs for trainingt and development covers external environment, internal organization, employee performance, thirdteen in total. And the above mentioned motivation most intensly was "Nurturing the talent needs of the organization". 2.The strategy of SMEs development and training, covered the import TTQS training quality assessment system and establishment of function system, establish a learning organization and knowledge management platform, education and training of new employees, staff in-service expertise training, second skill training and cadre training system and other factors. 3.The development of SMEs in training face difficulties covered the lack of organizational resources, incomplete data, lack of systemic thinking result in unkown post-trainging effectiveness, and unrequeirement of company training content, understaffed or insufficient education, and un-implemented training execution plan, uneasy to cultivate lecturers and other factors. 4.The policy of SMEs development in training s encounter difficulties ,covered the support of competent personnel training and the establishment of its concept, the overall training plan and continuous improvement, the seek for the assistance of external resources, benchmarking learning model, internal instructor training system establishment, and training, promotion, performance linked incentives and other factors. 5.Development training investment of SMEs affect staff’s career planning, it covered that enhancing independent learning motivation and self-growth, diversified career development pipeline, shortening the adaptation of the workplace, performance improvement brought about promotion or pay increases, the cumulative network of resources. 6.The influence of SMEs development business training to their organization covered financial scorecard four dimensions, customer, enterprise internal process, learning and growth analysis, covering 20.effects, in corporate revenue growth and enhance corporate image the most intense. Finally, based on the findings of this study, we propose the follow-up study the concrete and feasible recommendations for the future you want to import SME development training, human resource practitioners.


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