  • 學位論文


The military and society:the Frontier Defenses and Local Control of Shanxi in the late Ming

指導教授 : 巫仁恕


自明太祖朱元璋驅逐元蒙,建立明朝後,為了守禦北疆,即在臨近邊界的地方,擇其軍事戰略要處,各設軍事重鎮以資禦守,此即後人所熟知的九邊軍鎮體系。而這些邊鎮因駐紮重兵,自然在軍餉供給等後勤支援層面上,需要地方政府予以支援。 本文選擇大同鎮與山西鎮二鎮作為探討的要點。主要原由有二:一方面因二鎮均位處山西布政使司境內,另一方面則是二鎮的軍餉等後勤供應來源主要由山西布政使司所供應。 明初,供應大同、山西二鎮軍餉的主要來源為軍屯與開中,並適度藉由民運來提供邊軍所需,在某種程度達到軍隊自給自足的狀態。但明中、後期後,因軍屯和開中二法的崩潰,供應軍餉的重責隨即落在民運和中央從太倉國庫撥銀的京運兩者身上。這種運補模式,無論對地方或中央財政皆造成極大的負擔,而如此病態的財政規劃,最終在晚明時期,因中央財政收入支出不平衡,加之山西本地頻頻爆發災荒,京運和民運兩者最終無法承擔邊軍軍餉重任,致使邊防體系趨向崩解。 晚明邊防體系的逐漸解體,使得原是掌握在中央的權限,亦隨之下放於地方。尤其在軍政方面,原先明初財政、司法和軍權分立的政治結構,地方政府藉由地方總兵、巡撫甚至總督制度的設置與定制化,軍、民政的權限漸漸地整合為一體,最終導致明末出現諸如左良玉獨霸一方的軍閥。


Since Ming T’ai-tsu(明太祖), Zhu, Yuan-Zhang(朱元樟) banish Yuan Dynasty, established Ming, Ming T’ai-tsu set up several fortifications to guard the North, and it called the Nine Frontier fortification system(九邊軍鎮體系) nowadays. They needed local government to support soldier’s pay(軍餉) in provisions supply. There are two reasons to use Da-Tong Town(大同鎮), and Shan-Xi Town(山西鎮) as further discussion in this dissertation. One is both of them are inside Shan-Xi Chief Secretary(山西布政使司), the other one is the provisions supply of both towns are based on Shan-Xi Chief Secretary. The early age of Ming, the main soldier’s pay for Da-Tong Town, and Shan-Xi Town was from Jun Tun(軍屯) and Kai Zhong(開中), and also from people transportation(民運). Using the methods, the soldier’s pay for the Nine Frontier fortification system can be self-sufficient. During the mid and late age of Ming, because the collapse of Jun Tun and Kai Zhong, people transportation and Beijing transport (京運;from capital support) had to be responsible for the soldier’s pay for the Nine Frontier fortification system. In the late Ming, the Nine Frontier fortification system collapsed because the financial crisis caused by the methods of provisions supply and the famine in Shan-Xi. With the disintegration of the border system of late Ming dynasty gradually, originally the authority controlled by the central government was decentralized to local government, especially for the military forces. In the beginning, the political structure is divided to finance, judicial and military forces separately. Due to the installation of local Company Commanders(總兵), Governor(巡撫) and Governor-general(總督) Systems, the authority of military forces and local government integrated gradually which eventually leaded to the dominant warlord like Zho, Liang-Yu(左良玉).


