  • 學位論文


The Study of the Official Horse of Hunting in Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 林士鉉


以往研究清代馬政制度,多將焦點放在傳統中國政治制度管理馬匹的機構上,即上駟院與太僕寺,而研究的內容都侷限在上駟院、太僕寺的官制以及牧場的廢弛。清代馬政中不僅只有上述兩個衙門,另外尚有以八旗為主的管理體系,這是以往研究未重視的部分。 圍獵是重要的差事,而馬匹在圍獵之中扮演著重要的角色。京師八旗官兵扈從皇帝圍獵時,必須騎乘八旗官兵各自餵養的官馬,馬匹的狀況亦影響著差事是否能順利完成。透過隨圍官馬之研究,可以深入探究馬政的運作,以補充馬政研究之空白。 清朝於入關前已建立一套管理馬匹的制度,是納入在八旗體制內。入關後,清朝保留前朝專管馬匹的機構,即上駟院的前身:御馬監與太僕寺。但清朝原先管理馬匹的制度並未廢除,也未與前朝的機構整併,而是新舊體制並存。八旗的馬匹由八旗管理,上駟院仍管皇室的馬匹,但由八旗官兵擔任職務,而太僕寺僅管理所屬牧廠的事務及配合其他衙門的調度,不再是總攬所有馬政的事務。 扈從皇帝圍獵時,八旗官兵由各自所屬的旗分領用官馬,於圍獵結束後交還官馬。乾隆年間隨圍官馬的管理出現弊端,朝廷也制定嚴格稽查領收隨圍官馬、設立圈馬制度等因應措施,但此一問題一直到嘉慶年間的馬政改革以前都未能根治。而這個弊端的出現主要歸因於物價的波動。面對這些危害馬政的弊端,嘉慶皇帝於嘉慶十二年(1807)提出改革,並得到成效。


馬政 八旗 圍獵 官馬 圈馬


In previous studies that horse administration system in Qing dynasty, they focus on the traditional Chinese political system to manage horses of agencies, the Palace Stud and the Court of the Imperial Stud. The contents of the studies are confined to official system of Palace Stud or Court of the Imperial Stud and whose system of imperial stud. Qing’s horse administration organization not only Palace Stud and Court of the Imperial Stud, also have system based on eight banners, this is the previous studies did not attach importance to this subject. Through the Study of the official horse System of Hunting, can explore and fill in the blanks for horse administration of studies. The horse is most important role for hunting. The eight banners personnel had to rides official horses in their subordinate units, when they companioned to the emperor to hunt. The horse status relate to mission completion or not. After the hunting mission finish, they have to return the horse. In the Qianlong period, official horse of hunting management is corrupt. The Qing government taking measure to resolve the problem, for instance, strictly inspected the official horse that was received and returned, and the centralized horse system was established. But the problem is not radically resolution until improve horse administration in 1807.





